Chapter thirty one.

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Katie's pov;

"Result time." Jason shoved a whole pancake in my mouth picked me up and ran into the room.

He place me down on the seat and places his hand behind his back.

He crosses his fingers thinking I couldn't see.

He really wants to be a dad..

I'm 16... I don't know if I can do this.

"So results." Dr Ross clapped his hands.

You could see how hard jason was trying to hold his smile back.

He was bouncing up and down like an exited little kid.

I chew the inside of my cheek as Dr Ross clears his throat getting ready to tell me the results.

"Miss manning." He began before jason interrupted.

"Um it's Mccan." Jason said firmly.

"Right babe?!" He grinned grabbing my hand.

"Uh.. Yeah... Uh sure." I frown.

"Miss mccan. The results show you are not pregnant!" I sigh and relax in relief as he says that.

Jason's smile drops and his hand is removed from mine.

He storms out the room.

"Thank you Dr Ross." I shook his hand.

"Any time miss mccan." He smiled.

"Manning. It's miss manning." I corrected him before leaving the room.

"Jason where are you?" I called out in the mansion.

I looked everywhere before heading to the back yard.

"There you are ive been looking for yo." I sighed as I approached him.

"Why you smoking?.." I sat near him.

He ignored me and continued to watch the water fountain.

"Why are you ignoring me!" I snap.

"Maybe I wanted you to be fucking pregnant katie! Maybe I wanted you to be the mother of my kids!" He snapped back.

"I'm 16!" I gasp.

"Your 17 in less than a week don't try and act all innocent." He scoffed.

"I'm not ready jason. Maybe put yourself in my fucking shoes. We're not married, we don't have our own house or my fathers blessing. We are God damn criminals and you think having a baby now would be okay?!" I throw my hands up in the air.

"Your living here! We will get married! Since when do you give a fuck about what your dad says?! He's a deadbeat." He growled.

"Fuck you ass hole! I didn't want this life but I have it! I'm not gonna force a kid into it like I have been. It's fucked up!" I scream before i stormed off leaving him alone.


9 more chapters till Mccans Bad Girl 3! Thank you for the 24k my babies!

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