Chapter twenty nine.

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Katie's pov;

"Dad this isn't necessary. Please I don't need to do a pregnancy test. Seriously I just had some dodgy food with jason." I scoffed.

"Sir. I don't mean to be rude but please Tell me if she's my sister and your my dad.." Ariana polity interrupted us.

"Sure. Hold on. You and katie go upstairs to do her pregnancy test while I get the Dr again. Meet me down here in five minutes." My dad informed us both.

ariana took the pregnancy tests and took me into the bathroom.

"You pee on them and I'll look away okay?" Ariana bit her lip nervous.

"Sure." I snatched them off her annoyed she told my father about the patterns of my sickness.

"I'm sorry I didn't expect things to escalate so quickly or assume that you was..." She drifted off and sighed.

"It's itte. I would of been doing one anyway I'm two weeks late for my period. " I peed on two of the four sticks and threw them in the sink to wait.

I finish up, wash and dry my hands.

"Just the waiting game now." I shook my head.

"10mins girls and the doctor is downstairs." My father boomed across the hall way.

"I'm late for my period too." Ariana blurted out.

"Haha!" I pointed.

She frowned at me once I realised I was the one doing the pregnancy tests.

"There's two left. You should do them too!" I giggled pulling her up from the floor from where she was sitting.

"Okay." She smiled.

"I'll look away, pee on both the sticks and put it above the sink. Next to mine." I hurried her along.


"Done." Ariana washed her hands and placed her tests next to mine.

"Let's come back later for these I wanna know if your my sissy or not." I grabbed her hand and ran out the bathroom into the kitchen.

"So?" My dad looked up.

"Waiting for it to come through. Now tell us the results." Ariana replied for us.

"We both done one." I informed my dad as he gave me a confused look.

"Whatever. Uh Dr please the results." My dad gulped.

"Congratulations your twin sisters!" The doctor smiled and left the room with the papers on the counter.

My father... Our father went bright red.

"Eeeee!!!" We squealed jumping up and down hugging eachother.

"Wait." I stopped and had a straight face.

"You knew didn't you?" I pointed my finger angrily at our dad.

"I uh... I Ariana was a threat to the family. She was the weakest. Katie you've always been a fighter. Ariana sweetheart you was too delicate for this life. I gave you up for adoption and admired you and protected you from a far." My dad began to explain.

"This is wrong." Ariana shook her head and ran out.

"Wow. Great dad you are. Does tyler know?" I gritted my teeth.

"No. I'll talk to him tonight." My dad sighed.

"Bye. Ima get the pregnancy tests don't call us." I spat.

I grabbed all four tests and shoved them in my hand bag.

"Let's go." I grab Ariana's arm and storm out the house.


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