Chapter 2.

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Katie's pov;

I ran as fast as I could.

With tears forming in my eyes I try and blink them away.

I ran to the only place I could knowing I can pick lock.

I ran to Evans.

As soon as I knew I was in the safe zone I collapsed on the floor.

"Fuck sake grow a pair!" I screamed to myself in frustration.

I grabbed a bobby pin out of my hair and pick locked the locked door.

Once I heard the click of the door unlocking i March in and slam the door behind me.

"Uh katie what you doing?.." Evan scratched the back of his head while getting up off his coach.

"I-I- uh-- oh evan! I need help! " I confessed while falling towards him collapsing again but into his strong arms.

"Shhh baby shhh tell evan what's wrong." He whispered in his husky voice in my ear.

"It's jason.. And tyler and just everyone!!" I managed to choke out.

"I'll get us some whine and tissues and you stay here and tell me everything." He picked me up and placed me on the sofa.

Ariana's pov;

"ARRRRHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I heard a mans voice boom through the mansion causing me to immediately awaken from my needed slumber.

I heard smashing and banging from around the house.

"Shit." Harry growled in his morning. Voice and leaped out of bed.

"Stay here princess I'll be back in a second. i don't want him flipping out on you.." He said whilst grabbing a shirt and flinging it on.

I nod.

Shit I bet he's found out about katie.

Oh I hope she hasn't got caught.
I hope she's managed to get away quick.

I slide out of bed and go into the bathroom.

I do my business and brush my teeth.

I walked back into the bed room and picked up my perfume bottle.

The door slammed open seeing a red-eyed jason breathing heavily.

"You." He growled.

He pounced towards me grabbing me by the throat.

I dropped my perfume bottle causing it to smash off the floor.

"Notice this?!" He pushed a piece of my clothing in my face. The piece I took off giving katie the chance to leave.

Due to not being able to breathe I shook my head rapidly.

"Don't fucking lie to me bitch!!" He threw me into the ground.

"Ahh!" I screamed.

"Aw does a little glass hurt?" He pouted while staring at me laying in the broken glass of my perfume bottle.

"Stop! Leave me alone!" I cried out.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" He boomed.

"Jason back the fuck up!" Harry growled.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jason sneered.

Jaden Nick and Austin burst in grabbing jason and holding him down.

Harry came over stroking my hair rocking me while I cried.

"Let's get you cleaned up princess." He smiled while picking me up bridal style.

Big things happening soon x

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