UPDATE (December 14, 2022)

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I posted this on my message board, but I wanted to ensure everyone received this update. xx

Hey guys! It's been a hot minute, I know. But I had to figure out life and what I really wanted, what truly made me happy. Now I believe I'm in a place where I can be a little more consistent and even though I'm still very busy, I can squeeze updates in because I really miss it.

Sooooo, what the hell does this mean for my books? Here's an update:

Arcanum Hominem: First book is finished. I started writing book 2, but it's not a priority and I don't know when I'll be updating it. Probably not for a long while, sorry.

The Slayer: The book isn't finished and I have more chapters written out, but I'm not going to publish them because I'm not in the mood to update the story at the moment. Supernatural/fantasy stories take A LOT of time and patience that I don't care to put in right now with all that I have going on. So, sorry for anyone who was looking for some good news with that book.

FORBIDDEN: The book that took off surprisingly and EVERYONE is asking for book 2. I am actively working on book 2 of Forbidden and I will be posting the first few chapters on December 25th, 7am PST.

I hope this is a good enough update for you guys and I can't wait to be more consistent and continue to create stories that play with your emotions ;)



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