Chapter 1

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"Can I buy you a drink?" A voice asked me from my right side, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off," I dismissed him with a wave of my hand, not wanting to be entertained. I came to this bar to drown myself in my sorrows, not pick up whatever disease ridden male approached me. That was the third one tonight. The guy muttered a curse under his breath directed at me, but I ignored him. I couldn't care less about what he called me. I've been called worse, guaranteed. I threw back the rest of my drink, relishing in the burn that slowly went down my throat. I didn't want to feel anything tonight. Didn't want to think about how I was dumped because apparently, I didn't open up enough and something about being aggressive with my words. Fuck Carter. I was better off without him anyway. I gritted my teeth as I thought about the last words he said to be.

"You're incapable of loving anyone or letting anyone love you. If you keep up this selfish act, you'll be alone forever."

Pain sparked in the palm of my hand and I blinked, getting out of my thoughts and glanced at my hand. My nails were digging into my palm and I slowly opened up my hand, fingers detaching themselves from my palm and spreading on the bar counter. Crescent shaped indentations were left in my palm and I just stared at my hand until the pain went away.

I wasn't selfish. I was capable of loving people; I loved him, didn't I? Didn't I? He loved me as well, at least that's what he told me almost every day for three years. So, after all that time, why would he say that? Why would he say the words? Words that pierced my heart, made me question myself, and everyone around me. I motioned for the bartender.

"I want another one of those..." My mind went blank on the name of the drink I had probably one too many times tonight. The bartender had a sympathetic look on his face that I wanted to smack off.

"I got you. On the house." He gave me a kind smile and I smiled back, at least I tried. It probably came out more like a grimace. He turned to work on the drink, and I hummed, getting back to my thoughts about my trash ex and my pathetic life.

"She doesn't need another one, thanks." Someone spoke from behind me and the bartender looked up, eyes searching for the speaker. I scrunched my brows when I realized the person was talking about my drink. The bartender nodded at whoever was behind me and glanced at me with an apologetic look.

"Um, I do need another one, thanks, Sam." I turned around in my chair quickly to find the speaker and had to grab on to the back of my chair when the room started spinning. Once it stopped, my eyes locked with an icy blue pair. "And who the fuck are you?" I asked rudely, squinting at the man standing behind me. His eyes inspected my face before locking with mine again.

"Someone who's going to stop you from getting alcohol poisoning." He responded and I tilted my head at his deep voice. He had an accent. British. I inspected the unwanted babysitter, taking in his dark blue stylish trench coat he donned, the way his black hair was slicked back, but waves clearly visible. A stranger. I turned back to the bar, waving Sam down.

"I don't know you." I finally spoke, drumming my fingers impatiently on the bar counter. I was already feeling the effects of the alcohol in my system, but that wasn't stopping me from enjoying a few more drinks. There was some shifting to my left and I glanced over to see the stranger moving a chair out of his way and he leaned on the bar counter, brows raising when a drink was placed in front of me. "Thank you, Sam." I gave the bartender a smile and he shrugged, giving the man next to me an apologetic smile.

"I don't know you either, but I do know that you don't have a ride to go anywhere after this, so taking that drink will only make you lose your sense of awareness even more than you already have," he responded, and I paused, glass almost touching my lips. I slowly placed the glass back on the counter, narrowing my eyes at the stranger. How did he know I didn't have a ride? Though my head was cloudy, I didn't get creepy vibes from him. He seemed sincere. Quickly grabbing the drink, I threw it back, closing my eyes and letting the burn consume me. Once the moment was over, I stood up, placing four twenties on the counter next to the empty glass.

"Since you seem to care so much about my wellbeing, give me a ride." I folded my arms over my chest and locked eyes with him which proved to be a task in itself. He was a giant, taller than me even in heels. I was six feet tall in four-inch heels which meant he had to be at least six-five. He let out a chuckle, a small dimple appearing on his right cheek.

"You trust a stranger to give you a ride? How bold of you."

I shrugged, adjusting the micro dress I decided to wear tonight. "My night can't get any worse, so all I ask is for you not to kill me or mess up this pretty face, and I just might let you take a peek at what's under this dress." I gave him a wink that made him chuckle again and walked right past him toward the exit. As soon as I pushed the door open, the wind from the night chill smacked me in the face, making my teeth chatter as goosebumps peppered my skin. I remembered having a jacket at some point tonight, but I couldn't remember what happened to it.

"Here." The stranger shrugged off his trench coat, revealing a black dress shirt tucked neatly into black slacks. Even his dark blue shoes were dressy.

"Where'd you just come from? A business meeting?" I snorted as I grabbed his coat, sighing as the rich material warmed my body immediately. The smell of mint engulfed me, and I inhaled, loving the scent. "You smell nice." I complimented him before he could answer my question.

"Thank you, and yes, I did actually." He answered me, making me tilt my head in confusion.

"Yes, you did what?" I asked, looking up at the sky as if it had the answers as to why he was saying yes. I asked him a question? I didn't remember. He glanced at me, a soft smirk growing on his face before he raised an arm in the air.

"You really need some water in your system, asap." He stepped into the street as a sleek black car pulled up to the curb. A man exited the car, tossing the keys to the stranger. He mumbled a word of thanks to the man and handed him a fifty-dollar bill. He walked to the passenger side of the car, opening the door. "Come." He nodded at the car and I walked his way, stopping right by the door. I glanced up at him.

"You're not going to kill me, right?" I whispered, eyes widening as he laughed at my question. It was a loud laugh and the sound echoed off the buildings in the dark night.

"No love, I won't kill you." He chuckled again and I still didn't move. I wasn't satisfied.


He stopped laughing, eyes serious. "I promise."

I entered the car. 

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