Chapter 39

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Roman drove me to work, leaving my car at his place. He didn't want to risk paparazzi following me and terrorizing me. I agreed. I was in no mood to be followed and yelled at. We arrived at work together and only when he stopped the car did butterflies in my stomach appear. I felt like I was going to throw up and I couldn't move from the car. Roman was about to leave the car, when he glanced over his shoulder. I was staring straight ahead, but I could still see him from the corner of my eye.

            "Are you okay?" he asked, and I slowly shook my head, not wanting to make eye contact with him. I didn't want him to know how much this situation affected me. Something so trivial. "Hey, look at me." Roman tried to get me to look at him, but I couldn't. The butterflies wouldn't stop. "Violett."

            It was the way he said my name with so much authority that had me turning to look at him. He had a determined look on his face that surprised me.

            "I can't go in there." I finally spoke and his face softened.

            "You'll be with me. No one will harass you when you are, okay?"

            I wish I could believe him, but he had no control over others. "I can take care of myself. I'd just rather not have to do that."

            He smirked and raised a hand, placing it on my cheek. The warmth from it comforted me and I felt myself leaning into it before I could stop myself.

            "I know you can handle yourself. I just wanted you to know that I'm not going to just throw you to the wolves. We're in this situation together and I'm sticking with you. Got it?" His eyes searched mine and I nodded. He gave me a soft smile at my acknowledgment and leaned in, his lips now on mine. I knew we were in the private parking lot where few eyes could still wander, but I didn't care. I leaned forward even more to deepen the kiss and Roman obliged, cupping my face with both hands now. I wanted it to continue badly, but I came to my senses and pulled away, trying to catch my breath. Roman's eyes were darkening already, and I licked my lips as I stared him down.

            "You know, you're going to have to stop kissing me like that, like we're a couple." I wagged my finger at him, and he chuckled deeply.

            "I will when you stop being so responsive to those kisses." He winked at me before exiting the car. Did that mean he planned to continue to kiss me? That shouldn't have mattered to me as much as it actually did. I huffed at how right he was about my responsiveness and exited the car myself, catching up to his retreating figure. I blew out a breath as I prepared myself for the stares.

            Professional. I had to be professional at work. That meant with Roman especially. No lingering eye contact, no daydreaming, no touching. Definitely no touching. The quickie was a one-time least, that was what I tried to convince myself. Roman waited for me at the door, and I jogged a little to catch up before entering, the cool air a rush against my face. I looked up at Roman and he gave me an encouraging smile before walking. I kept my head down, pretending to scroll through my phone as we walked through the lobby. I knew when people began to notice us because normal conversations turned into whispers. I dared a glance and immediately regretted it when I locked eyes with so many coworkers. My eyes glanced over all of them as if I didn't even notice them, and I went back to pretending to scroll through my phone even though on the inside I was freaking out. I just wanted to get to my office and stay there all day, away from the stares.

We both stopped walking when we made it to the elevator and Roman pushed the button to go up. As we waited for the elevator doors to open, more people began to flock to where we were standing, waiting for the elevator as well. My stomach began twisting again and I could just feel the stares boring into my head and back. This was what I wanted to avoid. The reason I didn't want to get involved with Roman. Though I knew he wasn't in a real relationship, no one else knew that. So now I looked like a homewrecker, a woman who slept her way to the top. I gritted my teeth in annoyance at the things people were probably thinking about me.

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