Chapter 21

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I didn't have a dress for a super fancy dinner for the place we were going to, so I had to do some last-minute shopping, which I didn't like. Buying something for a one-time use was a waste to me. I found a black gown with sparkles that went down the entire length and the tail of the gown spread around me in a pool. There was a slit on the side that made the elegant gown slightly scandalous, exactly what I was going for tonight. I paired the gown with silver heels, but it was barely seen because of the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror, styling my curls in an updo, letting some curls spill down my neck. My phone rang and I sighed, grabbing it. I knew it was time to go. Colton texted me the details earlier, so I had time to get ready.

"Yes?" I answered the call, grabbing my silver clutch, and left my bedroom. I wished Davis was here, but he was out of town for work, missing out on all of the chaos happening in my life.

"I'm here. Would you like me to come up?" Colton asked me and I shook my head even though he couldn't see me.

"No. I'm coming down now." I answered, leaving my apartment and locking the door behind me.

"Okay, see you in a sec." He hung up and I placed my phone and keys in my clutch. I made my way down to the parking lot, careful not to let my dress drag on the ground. When I made it to the parking lot, I spotted Colton by his car, wearing an all-white suit with a black bowtie and I almost smiled, cracking the neutral look on my face. When he spotted me, his face lit up and his eyes swept over me, taking in my outfit. I ignored him and walked to the passenger side to grab the door myself, but Colton beat me to it.

"I'm capable of opening the door myself, you know?" I muttered as I entered the cozy car. He closed my door and took his time walking to the driver's side and when he entered the car, he let out a huge sigh, making me look at him.

"Look, I get you don't agree with this arrangement, but I don't either. I'm sorry that it has to be this way, but the only way to get through it is to just go with it. We wanted to get to know each other, right? Let's look at this as a way to get to know each other and make the best of this shitty situation. Can we do that?" Colton's face and tone didn't betray any emotions, but his eyes did. He was pleading with me and it made me feel a little bad. I didn't even think about what Grayson could possibly have over him to force him to participate.

"Alright. I can do that." I agreed and he visibly relaxed and started up the car, driving out of the parking lot. "Will there be cameras where we're going?" I asked, wanting to be prepared for everything. I knew the place we were going was frequented by people with money and I didn't know what expect.

"Yes, lots of them which is why they picked that spot. It's a guarantee that we will be spotted by a camera, which is the point." He explained and I nodded, looking out the window as I fiddled my fingers. Lots of cameras, got it. That meant lots of people, so many eyes scrutinizing my every move, my dress, my hair. I swallowed the knot that began to form in my throat. I needed to relax. All I had to do was get from the car to the restaurant in once piece, without tripping.

"Nervous?" Colton asked and I glanced at him, knowing my face had a worried look on it. His green eyes were bright in the dark car and they searched mine for a second before looking back at the road. "Don't be. I'm going to be right next to you every step of the way. You'll be on the arm of Colton Donovan, the most sought after eligible bachelor in the state. There should be a huge smile on your face right now for that alone." The wolfish grin he gave me when I first met him was back on his face and he glanced at me, giving me a wink. That made me chuckle. He was trying to distract me from my nerves, and I actually appreciated him for that. We continued to talk for the rest of the ride about what I should expect and how the only thing I needed to do was smile and wave. I didn't have to speak to the paparazzi if I didn't want to. That made me feel a little better. Colton continued to crack jokes and by the time we made it to the restaurant, my nerves were gone. I felt a little better about the entire situation and I guess ending up with Colton for the next two months wasn't so bad. He drove behind a sleek luxury car and I let out a nervous breath when I saw how many paparazzi were there by the entrance. Flashes were going off for the people in front of us as they exited and I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. It'll be okay, I just have to get through tonight. Colton drove up next to the valet and it was our turn to exit the car.

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