Chapter 4

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"Violett." Rome's voice was laced with mild surprise, yet his face recovered quickly, as if shock never graced it.

"You're Roman Drakos?" I asked before I could stop myself, looking him up and down. He fit the profile, olive skin, beautiful clean shaven face, dark hair, incredibly tall, icy blue eyes. I never saw any pictures of the raven haired beauty everyone raved about in the tabloids, but couldn't escape everyone describing the way he looked, how godlike he was. I guess they were right, though I never got the hype. I just admired his company, the way he ran it, how successful it was. I wanted to be like him and here he was, standing in front of me because he was best friends with my brother. Lucky me. A slow, toothless smile grew on his face and he arched a perfect dark brow.

"Yes, I am." Was all he said, eyes taking in the outfit I was wearing. His smirk grew when he reached my shoes, and I clenched my jaw at his reaction. What was he thinking about? Were the shoes a bit much for him? Did it remind him of something?

"Hold on, you guys know each other?" Mason's voice interrupted the tension that was growing between us and I glanced down at him, almost forgetting he was here.

"Um, well..." I started speaking, but didn't continue, not knowing what to say that wouldn't disappoint him. I couldn't tell him that I was so drunk, Rome had to step in to try and stop me and then took me to his place because I was reckless enough to be at the bar by myself. He would be so disappointed. I stared at Rome, not knowing what to say, the conflict clear in my eyes. His head tilted ever so slightly, and he spoke for me.

"No, I don't believe we've ever met. I would've remembered a face like hers." His eyes held a certain curiosity in them that had me glancing to the side, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up my face. I didn't blush. What the fuck was wrong with me?

"Oh, okay. Well, Violett as I said, there's a position that's open and I know I said they're actively looking, but if you want the position, it's yours." Mason spoke and I looked at him to see if he was joking. He had a proud smile on his face, as if this was the best thing he could've ever offered me.

"So, I don't have to go through an interview process, you don't have to get to know me, the job is just mine? Just like that?" I clarified before I could allow myself to feel what I really wanted to feel in the moment. I looked up at Rome to see him nodding his head, eyes trying to assess my mood.

"Just like that," he answered my question and I allowed myself to really feel. Frustration, annoyance, mild anger. This wasn't what I wanted. Well, it was what I wanted, just not like this. I grabbed my pouch, taking out my keys.

"Another handout. When will you realize that I don't want anything handed to me? I want to work for this position. I want to earn it. This," I pointed to Rome and then Mason. "is not it." I glared at Mason's shocked face before leaving the restaurant. I quickly left and went straight back to my apartment, fuming as I shoved my key in the lock and entered. Davis wasn't back yet and probably wouldn't be back for the night. That gave me time to let my anger out by myself and mull over what just occurred. I knew in my gut that meeting with Mason would be a bad idea. How foolish of me to think that he believed in me. If he would've told me that he got me an interview and I had a chance to present myself the way I wanted, then I would've appreciated his gesture.

He put me in a position to embarrass myself for a second time in front of Rome. The first time when he was just a stranger with my phone. The second time as the CEO of Drakos co. Roman Drakos. I met the Roman Drakos, and I walked away from him and the best opportunity to land in my lap. I fell backward on my bed and grabbed a pillow, screaming into it. I should probably apologize to Rome. He let me call him Rome, I was just realizing. If I worked for him, would I have to start calling him Mr. Roman, or Mr. Drakos? I pulled the pillow away from my face, mouthing Mr. Drakos. The image that popped in my head was definitely not appropriate and I quickly sat up, willing the image away. I've only been single for a week, yet I was already craving my body to be touched. 


I took my shoes and cardigan off and grabbed my laptop. I would do some job hunting today. As I set everything up, there was a knock on my door. I huffed, knowing it was probably Mason coming to try and persuade me to take the opportunity. I unlocked the door, yanking it open.

"Look, don't even try-" I quickly closed my mouth when my eyes locked with Rome's. I glanced over his shoulder and noticed that my brother was nowhere to be found. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my question coming out more rude than intended. He raised a brow at my tone.

"May I come in?" he asked, ignoring my question. I stared at him for a few seconds before sighing and opening the door wider. He thanked me and entered my apartment. I closed the door and turned to find him standing in front of me, eyes taking in the small space. I suddenly felt cramped with him next to me, taking up a lot of space. He seemed large and out of place.

"What are you doing here?" I asked again, leading him to the living room. He shrugged off the suit jacket he was wearing, revealing a black button down dress shirt that was tight around his biceps, and hugged his chest. I fought the urge to bite my lip and check him out. His smell wasn't helping either, a delicious spicy scent that filled my nostrils. He sat down on the couch across from the television and I sat on the one adjacent to him, still close enough for our feet to touch, if I stretched my legs his way.

"I want you to accept the offer." He was blunt with his words, throwing me off. That was the last thing I expected to come out of his mouth. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out, so I closed it, thinking about his words.

"Why? You know nothing about me. As I said, it's a handout. I want to earn this position. This is basically nepotism. Is that how you like to run your company, Mr. Drakos?" I said his name in a mocking tone, making him narrow his eyes, jaw clenching. He sat back into the couch, long arms draping the back of the couch, bringing attention to his broad chest, which I had a hard time not looking at.

"You graduated from the University of California-Berkeley with an MBA and a concentration in marketing. You did many internships at the top businesses in the area and even had a position as Digital Marketing Manager before the company went belly up." The corner of Rome's mouth raised slightly at the surprised look on my face.

"You have my resume."

"Of course. I wouldn't just offer a position to anyone, not even for a close friend. Now, I have a proposition for you if you're willing to listen." His arms dropped as he scooted to the edge of the couch, long legs spreading to accommodate his arms resting on them. I moved to the edge of the couch I was sitting on, my knee slightly brushing his.

"Go ahead."

"I won't hire you for the open position since you are so against it. If I'm being honest, you're not even nearly qualified for such a taxing position." He raised a finger up when I opened my mouth to dispute his words. "But, I can help get you there. I'll pay you to shadow my CMO and learn the ropes of the company and everything dealing with the marketing side straight from the source. If she feels that you have learned enough, I'll hire you for that position. How does that sound?"

I blinked hard twice, trying to see if this was a dream. Now this, was something I could work with. I was proving myself this way, showing my worth. "So basically, a paid internship?"

He shrugged, standing up. "Call it what you want. Do you accept?" he asked, holding out his hand, eyes following me as I stood up in front of him. I held out my hand and gripped his, the warmth of his rough hand immediately warming mine.

"I accept," I answered, still shaking his hand. He nodded and I was hyper aware of his hand in mine now, the way his thumb rubbed the outer part of it, his grip firm but not too tight. I quickly dropped my hand, clearing my throat, and took a step back. "When do I start?" I asked as he reached for his suit jacket. I watched him as he carefully slid his arms into the sleeves, the way he slowly buttoned the black material, smoothing his hands down the fabric to rid it of the nonexistent wrinkles.

"Tomorrow. Text me your email and I'll have my assistant send you the details." He answered me as he walked to the door. I followed him and he let himself out, turning around to face me when I reached the door. "Oh, and as much as I loved the boots you wore today, be sure not to wear them to work." He smirked when I frowned at his words.

I slammed the door in his face. 

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