Chapter 9

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A week passed by before I saw Roman again. After what happened at my brother's house, I looked for him at work, but he was nowhere to be found. I didn't get an email or a text from him either that entire week, not that I was keeping track. I was able to spot my brother once this week, enough to complain about Lisa before he had to leave. Work had me so busy, by the time I went home all I wanted to do was shower and sleep. Lisa still had me going back and forth to the file room and I stopped complaining and instead, did my best work efficiently and in a timely manner. If she noticed the difference in my mood and quality of work, she didn't show it. Lunchtime rolled around, and she dismissed me, which I was happy for. An hour to myself and not in her presence was a luxury I did not take for granted.

            As I grabbed my wallet from my small office right next to Lisa's, there was a knock on my door.

            "Come in!" I yelled out, putting my purse back down underneath the desk. "Sorry, Lisa isn't in right now since it's her lunch break, but I could take a message," I spoke before straightening up. I raised a brow at the man standing in the doorway of my office, leaning against the frame in his signature all black suit. "Almost forgot you existed for a second," I commented as I walked around my desk.

            "I had to fly to New York for a business meeting, so I was out. Did you miss me?" Roman followed me as I made my way to the elevator. I glanced over my shoulder, scoffing.

            "Please, don't flatter yourself." I dismissed him with a wave over my shoulder, glad he couldn't see my face. I didn't miss him like that. Just the banter that took place every time we saw each other. I could've used that during the week of Lisa barking orders at me. I still didn't have time to meet anyone here yet to bond with. I reached the elevator doors, pressing the button to go down. Roman stood next to me and I could feel his eyes on me.

            "It's okay if you did. Would you believe me if I told you, I missed you as well?" he asked me, throwing me off. I glanced up at him incredulously.

            "I wouldn't believe you. We literally just met and barely anything about each other. How would you have time to miss me?"

            "It doesn't take long to know if you click with someone or not, you know. Your presence was missed. I'll have to take you with me on one of these trips one day." Roman's response surprised me, and I didn't speak as we entered the elevator.

            "As long as I'm getting paid." I shrugged nonchalantly, even though inside I was thrilled at the thought of traveling with him. The things we could do on that plane...I inhaled deeply and tried to think of something else.

            "Of course. Now, let me take you to lunch, on me." He offered, which made me look up at him, a brow raised. Company wouldn't be so bad. I was tired of eating alone anyway.

            "Lead the way." I gestured to the elevator doors that opened to the lobby. I followed him through the lobby and to a back door that led us to a private parking lot, only four cars were back here.

            "I only allow the COO, CFO, CMO, and myself of course to park back here. This is a private space that most in the company don't even know about." Roman explained as we walked to his sleek black car. I knew who the COO and CMO were, but I haven't come across the CFO yet. Maybe at some point, I would.

            "Now I'm privy to this information. You must really trust me." I commented as I entered his car through the passenger's side. It smelled like mint in here and I tried my best not to inhale obnoxiously when Roman entered the driver's side. He glanced at me, a relaxed smile on his face.

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