Chapter 23

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Lisa was not happy seeing me walking next to Roman. Neither was Colton, but he didn't show it as much on his face like Lisa did.

            "You two are complete idiots. The whole point of this dinner is so that no one even thinks twice about the picture. So why the hell would you walk back to the table, together?" she hissed when we were both seated. Roman didn't look at me and instead picked up the menu again. He was silent. So, I did the same, ignoring her. She growled, shaking her head.

            "At least try to be careful when you're together. Don't do anything for anyone to assume and run with, okay?" Colton said in a calmer tone, and I actually acknowledged him, nodding my head. I didn't want to speak just yet, still trying to understand if the conclusion I came to about Roman actually made sense. The rest of the dinner was awkward as expected. There wasn't much to talk about, so work was the only topic really. Colton and Lisa did most of the talking since every time I tried to speak, Lisa would dismiss me and Roman just didn't care enough to even join the conversation. The walk back to the car was just like walking in. Paparazzi were everywhere and this time I just waved, wanting to get in the car as soon as possible. Colton received the keys from the valet, and he opened my door and I quickly got in. He made his way to the driver's side and gave everyone a wave before entering the car himself. When he drove off, I let out the biggest sigh, kicking the heels off my feet. It felt like the shoes were trying to mold itself to my skin permanently.

            "Are you still down to see the paintings?" Colton asked after a bit of silence. I leaned back into the seat, nodding.

            "Of course, anything would be better than sitting awkwardly for dinner."

            He chuckled. "I didn't think it was that bad."

            "Of course you wouldn't think so. You're friends with Lisa, I'm not." I rolled my eyes from the thought of her.

            "She's not that-"

            "Please don't say what I think you're about to say. I don't want to hear it. Change the subject, please."

            Colton laughed, tapping his hands on the steering wheel. "Alright. Let's talk about tonight. Do you plan on spending the night, or would you like me to take you home after seeing the paintings?"

            I glanced at him. He seemed to be sincere about his question. "We'll see how the night goes and then I'll make my decision."

            "Sounds good to me." He glanced my way, giving me a smile. I gave him one back, and he paid attention to the road again. Unlike dinner, the ride back to his place was filled with conversation and laughter and when we actually reached his house, I didn't even realize until he said something.

            "I mean, we could spend the night in the car. I'm sure we'll quickly find something to entertain us." There was a glint in his eye while he spoke, and it made me laugh.

            "I'm sure we could. But I would rather look at the beautiful paintings in your house." I raised a brow and exited the car before he could come and open the door for me. I walked around the car and met up with Colton on the steps leading up to his front door. He unlocked the door and gestured for me to enter first. I gave him a nod and walked in, marveling at the grand place. One would think after spending time in this house before it wouldn't have the same affect as the first time, but it was close. It made me happy being so close to this luxury, something that I would be able to give myself one day.

            "I'm going to change out of this suit. Would you like some clothes to do that same? I'm sure you wouldn't want to be in that dress all night."

I nodded quickly. He was right. "Absolutely."

"Follow me."

I followed Colton up his grand stairs, sliding my hands up the beautiful banister. He turned right and walked to a door all the way at the end of the long hallway. Following him in, I raised my brows at his room. It was surprisingly simple, and unlike Roman's room, his wasn't filled with dark colors. There was a bright abstract painting above the massive bed with gray sheets.

"I have some sweatpants and a shirt that will probably be huge on you, if you're fine with that." Colton called out from his closet.

"That's fine with me. Anything but this dress." I heard him rummaging in his closet and while I waited for him, I went to the painting above his bed and stared at it, trying to figure it out. The strokes seemed rushed, not one was precise. While I analyzed it, I reached behind me and tried to grab the zipper to unzip my dress. My arm wasn't long enough. Not being able to reach the zipper distracted me and I focused on somehow angling my arm to make it longer so I could reach the zipper. Still no luck.

"Need help?"

I jumped as his voice startled me and I glanced over my shoulder to see Colton shirtless with gray sweatpants hanging off his hips. My mouth parted as I took in his pale skin that was inked with tattoos. Black ink was on each of his pecs and on both sides of his ribs. Some ink started at his abdomen and went down almost to the grooves going into his pants. I didn't expect him to be inked and it was a nice revelation. I wanted to touch all of them. Blinking quickly, I remembered he asked me a question.

"Yes, please. Apparently, my arms aren't long enough to unzip this dress." I chuckled lightly, trying to keep my mind off of his body, but it was hard. Especially when I turned my back to him, and I felt the heat of his presence behind me. He was so close. I felt a tug on the zipper and one of his hands gripped the top of the dress, while the other slowly dragged the zipper down. I sucked in a quiet breath as his skin brushed mine and I leaned back slightly before I could stop myself. The zipper stopped right at the bottom of the curve of my back and Colton's hands left my body. I immediately missed his touch.

"Do you need help with anything else?" His voice was a whisper in my ear and my body reacted accordingly. It was on fire, and I needed someone to put it out. I was tired of waiting. I grabbed my dress by the neckline and slowly pulled at it, the fabric leaving my shoulders.

"Yes," I whispered, tilting my head to the side, inviting him. Hopefully he took the hint. My dress slid down my body, dropping in a pool at my feet, leaving me exposed in just my panties and bra. I felt when Colton moved closer until his body was pressed against mine, his warmth mixing with mine. He didn't say a word, but I knew he accepted my invitation when I felt his lips on the top of my shoulder. A small shudder went through me as his lips trailed from my shoulder to my neck and his arm snaked around my waist, pulling me closer.

"What do you want, Violett?" he whispered in my ear before nibbling it, sending heat straight to my core.

"You, I want you." I breathed out, lust in total control of me now. I turned around quickly in his arms and grabbed the back of his head, and he did the rest, his lips capturing mine.

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