Chapter 48

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"You okay?" Roman asked as we made our way out of the restaurant. Before I could answer, flashes of light blinded me, and I raised my arm to block it.

            "What the-" I tried to understand what was going on, but couldn't clear my head from the continuous flashing lights and the loud noise of people. So many people were talking and yelling at once. Roman's arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him and I pressed my face into his chest. I could hear him yelling over the shouts of the other people.

            "Out of the way! No comment!"

            I felt his body jerking and peeked up from his chest to see him moving his arm around to get the people who started crowding us, away. He walked quickly and I did my best to keep up, though I knew I was probably slowing him down. I realized the flashing lights came from the cameras only when we were a good distance away from them and I was able to squint and see. Roman led me to his car which was hidden in the very back of the parking lot, away from the valet and I only detached myself from him when we were right by the passenger's side.

            "Thank you for coming. You didn't have to do that for me." I thanked him, giving him a smile and he gave a lazy one back, shrugging. His hair was messed up from blowing in the wind and I reached up to fix it before I could stop myself. The action made me get closer to him and he took that opportunity to circle his arms around my waist, pulling me to his chest. My hand stayed weaved in his hair, while I placed the other on his chest. He stared me down, blue eyes roaming my face with a look I couldn't decipher.

            "Of course, love. Did you end up eating anything before I came?" he asked softly, fingers ghosting up and down my spine. I shivered and it wasn't from the wind blowing on this cool night.

            "No, I didn't," I answered him, my eyes sliding up his face and to his hair, where my fingers were slowly weaving through his dark locks.

            "Are you hungry?" he asked, and I tilted my head, pressing myself even closer to him if that was possible. I locked eyes with him before answering.

            "Not for food." I lowered my voice and Roman's jaw clenched immediately and he inhaled sharply, glancing around us.

            "Woman, you will be the death of me." He chuckled as his hand slid down my back, gripping my ass. I raised a brow, glancing to the side to see that reporters and paparazzi alike were looking at us.

            "Want to give them a show?" I asked, turning my attention back to him. Roman grinned and lowered his face to the side of mine.

            "It would be my pleasure, darling." He whispered sensually into my ear and I almost clenched my legs shut. He pulled me even closer to his body than I thought was possible and brought his lips down to mine. I stretched up on my toes, wanting more and when I yanked softly at his hair, he released a guttural groan into my mouth. The sound alone was enough to ignite my body. Roman was the first to pull away and he pressed his forehead to mine, chuckling when I pouted.

            "That was a short show," I commented, smoothing my hands down his shoulders, stopping at his chest. His hands followed mine, resting over the backs of my hands, and looked me in the eyes.

            "It was enough. I'm going to have hell to pay tomorrow, but it'll be worth it. Come on, let's get out of here." He opened my door, and I went inside the car, getting comfortable. While he walked around the car to get to the driver's side, I looked at where the paparazzi were standing and saw a bunch of them still standing at the entrance of the restaurant, cameras aimed at us. Roman was right. He will have hell to pay. His father will be furious, and Lisa will definitely feel embarrassed. Only because the media will make her look weak, not because she actually cares about the situation. Roman entered the car and immediately started it up, driving out of the parking lot. Cameras flashed and people ran with the car, trying to get a picture of us inside of it. They were relentless. I held my hand up to hide my face and Roman tried his best not to run any of these crazy people over. Once we were clear from the restaurant and away from all of the cameras, Roman slowed down.

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