Chapter 40

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I didn't even have anything to say to that. Her words were valid. I should've had more control over myself and not bring this to work. That didn't mean I would let her know she was right though.

"I'll remember that for next time and save all my pent-up energy for his bedroom." I gave her a smile before walking into the elevator. She gasped, her face turning red.

"Drakos! You're going to let her talk to me that way?" she yelled at Roman, and he sighed, glancing at me with an annoyed look on his face. I shrugged and pressed the button for the floor I was headed to. This was his problem now. The elevator doors shut, and I finally let out a sigh, trying to gain my composure again. What the hell was I doing? I was acting like a teenager, unable to control my hormones. I needed to get it together. I watched as the numbers slowly went up and the closer I got to my destination, the more my stomach twisted in knots. There weren't many people on this floor which meant fewer stares for me. Maybe everyone will act like they don't know anything and spare me any embarrassment. The elevator dinged and I straightened up, putting a nonchalant look on my face. The floor was filled with mild chatter when I exited the elevator and I walked straight to my office, not looking anyone in the eyes. I even glanced at my phone now and then to pretend I had something important to look at until I made it safely to my office. Surprisingly, the chatter didn't pick up or cease, and no one looked at me in weird ways from what I could tell from the corner of my eyes. I quickly opened my office door, shutting it behind me, and sagged against it, eyes closed.

"We need to talk."

I yelped, my eyes flying open at the unexpected voice in front of me. Grayson was leaning against my desk, arms crossed over his chest and a stern look on his face. I automatically straightened.

"What are you doing in my office?" I demanded, glancing around to see if anyone else was intruding. There was no one. Grayson stood up straighter, dropping his arms.

"Everyone has seen the pictures and now I have important people up my ass because you couldn't keep your hands to yourself. Now, you're going to listen to everything I say and fix this mess you put us in." He narrowed his eyes at me, and I scoffed, walking from the door to my office chair.

"Us? This is between me and your son. This is our business, not our business." I pointed between him and myself. "If anything is going to happen to change the narrative, it'll happen when there's a discussion with me and your son only, no one else will be involved, especially not you. Now, if you don't need anything else, you can see yourself out." I gestured to the door as I sat down in my chair. Grayson's face turned beet red, and his jaw clenched in anger. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it, shaking his head.

"Drakos must have you thinking you are safe in his little bubble, hm? Let me go remind him who really runs this company and has real power." He turned to my door but paused, glancing over his shoulder at me. "Enjoy this position while you can because when I'm done, you'll be jobless." He left my office, slamming the door behind him. I flinched at the force and let out a breath, going over what the hell just happened. There was no way Roman would fire me because of his father...right? He wouldn't let that happen. Though he had no loyalties to me, I trusted him. His father was definitely a character and though his words put doubt in me about this entire situation, I was going to let it simmer. Roman and I would handle this situation our own way. Content with the fact that Roman wouldn't be swayed by his father, I got to work. He said I would work with him today, but honestly, I just wanted time to myself. Luckily, he seemed to be really busy or forgot about the fact that I would be working with him today because he didn't come to my office or call my phone once for the first half of my day. At first that made me a little worried, but work quickly distracted me enough to forget about it.

After I was done with the most important tasks for the day, I took a break. I hadn't been out of my office since I got here this morning, so I had no idea what was happening on the other side of my office door. I didn't want to bump into Lisa or Grayson and definitely not anyone else for them to give me looks. Colton probably didn't want to see me despite him not being upset at me anymore for the situation. It would probably make people talk more if we were seen together. Roman's office seemed like the best bet to stay away from prying eyes. I got up from my desk and stretched before leaving my office. I kept my eyes trained forward to not bring attention to myself until I made it to Roman's office. I didn't bother to knock and just entered, closing the door softly behind me.

I looked around to see that he wasn't at his desk, or anywhere by it at all.

"Roman?" I called out, hoping he was here. I wanted to know if his father stopped by to speak to him yet and if he did, what he said about me. I heard shuffling from the door that led to a private closet, so I walked that way, opening the door wider to find Roman on the floor, head in both hands. I furrowed my brow and sank to the floor next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Was he okay? He jerked at my touch which had me moving my hand away and he looked up quickly, eyes wild. When he locked eyes with me, he visibly relaxed. His hair was disheveled as was his suit and his eyes looked tired, as if he got no sleep at all. Something was definitely wrong.

"What's wrong?" My voice came out in a whisper. Roman closed his eyes and huffed before opening them again. I sat down all the way on the floor, leaning against the large chest behind us.

"My father." He finally spoke and when he did, I raised a brow at his tone. It was deadly. So, he did speak to him.

"He was in my office this morning before I even got there and threatened me and my position here."

Roman sighed, shaking his head. "He told me he paid you a visit and that you were stubborn and needed to be put in your place. I shut all of that nonsense down, so you have nothing to worry about." His tired eyes found mine and I nodded.

"Thank you." I genuinely meant it and when he barely nodded, I knew that wasn't all that was talked about. "What else happened, Roman? I know him berating me couldn't be what has you holed up in this closet. Talk to me." Though my job was safe, I didn't want to leave him in this state. It honestly had me nervous for him. He didn't respond right away, instead, he moved his fingers through the soft carpet of the floor, staring hard at it as he traced random shapes.

"After my father yelled at me about you and I put him in his place, he laughed in my face and did the norm of belittling me and letting me know that I had no power over him. Then he told me what was going to happen in order to clean up this situation." Roman paused, letting out the driest laugh I've ever heard come from him. He didn't continue talking and instead looked at me with sad eyes. I'd never seen that look from him. He leaned in closer to me, eyes still locked on mine before slowly passing down my face, landing on my lips.

"What did he tell you, Roman?" I asked softly, trying to control my breathing as he leaned even closer to me, his lips almost touching mine. My body was already reacting to being close to him and I glanced at his lips.

"Distract me, love. Please," he pleaded with me, and I obliged with no problem. I pressed my lips to his and he reacted automatically, his hand coming behind my head to press me closer to him. I welcomed his urgency, but I knew that it didn't come from wanting me. It came from wanting to push away whatever his father told him.

"Roman," I mumbled his name against his lips, and he sighed before pulling away, passing a hand down his face. I didn't say anything else and just waited for him to speak. The way he was acting was making me nervous.

"He told me the best way to clean up this mess is to marry Lisa and have a very public wedding."

I froze in place.  

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