Chapter 16

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"Hey, Donovan! Haven't seen you all night. The turnout was amazing, I'm really enjoying myself." Roman spoke from behind me, draping an arm over my shoulder. Colton didn't respond and instead, his eyes went to the arm on my shoulder, then to my eyes. I quickly shoved Roman's arm off, glancing up at him through hard eyes. Did he really have to do that? Now it really looked like something happened in the bathroom. Roman grinned at me before patting Colton on the shoulder and walking away. My stomach turned as I looked up at him, confusion written all over his face.

"Nothing happened Colton," I spoke before he could say anything, knowing what he was probably thinking. He raised a brow.

"You sure about that? I saw the way you guys were looking at each other earlier, the dynamic displayed. Seemed like more than nothing." Disappointment was on his face and for some reason, I felt guilty.

"That was just harmless banter, Colton. I'm just getting to know him, and we feel comfortable joking with each other like that. Nothing is happening between us, I promise." I gave him a reassuring smile and though he still looked skeptical, he nodded, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Alright, I believe you. So, are you enjoying yourself?" he asked the same question again, and this time I was able to give him an answer. We walked back to where the majority of the guests were, and I grabbed more drinks for myself. I lost track of time as I mingled with more people, getting to know them and just relaxed, really enjoying myself.

"You know you can't drive yourself home now, right?"

I whipped around quickly, and the entire kitchen blurred. A hand grabbed my arm, stopping me from falling. I blinked multiple times, clearing up my vision, and saw Roman standing in front of me, a frown on his face. I thought about his words and cursed under my breath, completely forgetting that I drove myself here.

"Take me home then," I smiled up at him. "Please," I added when his frown deepened. He glanced to the side at the entrance of the kitchen before looking at me again.

"Fine. Let me speak with Lisa and I'll meet you by the front door."

I pursed my lips and nodded my head to the music playing in my head, not paying attention to him. Fingers snapped in front of my face and I jerked, frowning. "Oh, okay," I answered him when I realized he was speaking to me. He huffed and left the kitchen without another word. I didn't want to leave without saying bye to Colton, so I went around the house, looking for him. I found him in one of the hallways with paintings lining every inch of the wall.

"Hey, I'm about to leave," I spoke, tearing his attention from the painting he was staring at so intensely. He smiled when he saw it was me and I walked toward him.

"Well, I really hope you enjoyed yourself. Don't be a stranger now."

I gave him a lazy smile. "I won't I promise, remember I still need to explore the halls of paintings with you as my guide." I reminded him and that made his smile widen. He seemed pleased by my words.

"Of course, I look forward to it." He responded and took a step toward me, staring me down. I leaned back slightly to look up at him properly and he leaned in, pressing his lips on my cheek softly. "Have a great night, Violett," he whispered in my ear, his words like a caress on my skin. I fought the urge to close my eyes and lean into him and I cleared my throat.

"You too, Colton." I lazily saluted him as I walked backward, and he chuckled. I walked around and found Naila next. She was in the kitchen, pouring herself a drink. When I walked into the kitchen, she looked up and a large smile grew on her face.

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