Chapter 51

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I stared at Lisa for a few seconds after she spoke before letting out a chuckle. She scoffed, leaning back into her chair, glancing around though she wasn't looking for anything.

"Okay, okay. Laugh all you want. I'll just go to Drakos myself then." She got up from her chair and I nodded, getting up as well.

"That's a great idea. I'll come." I grabbed my phone before walking around her to exit first. I could hear her hurried steps as we walked to Roman's office and when I reached his door, she pushed past me, opening it herself first.

"Drakos, we need to talk." She barked, not even caring for any pleasantries. Roman was sitting at his desk and glanced up when Lisa spoke. He pressed his lips together, but his brows raised when he spotted me behind her. I shut his door and rolled my eyes, showing him that he was in for a treat. His attention went back to Lisa when she slammed her hands on his desk in front of him. This woman literally had no chill.

"I just spoke with your little whore, and she doesn't seem to understand her role." Lisa hissed, making Roman lean back in his chair, crossing his large arms over his chest. I tried not to linger with my looks.

"And what is my role? Please, elaborate." I gestured to her, and she glanced at me with disgust on her face. I continued. "Is it to distract Roman so that you can have some fun with both Colton and my brother?" I tilted my head, feigning confusion. Her face turned red at my words.

"What, I-I have no idea what you're talking about. Don't try to deflect from the current situation." She turned back to Roman. "Get her in check and stop this foolishness. You know the plan that your father put in place for our future. It's time to get in line." She basically growled, making Roman clench his jaw. It was silent for a few seconds, and I stared at Roman, wondering what he was going to do. Tell her, I coaxed him in my mind, hoping he would finally set her straight. She needed to hear everything he felt about her in person. Everything he told me, he needed to tell her. He sighed, glancing at me for a brief second before turning his attention to Lisa. His eyes told me everything in that split second. A smile grew on my face.

"Listen, Lisa. I'm going to cut right to the chase. I'm done with you." He held up a hand to silence her when she started interrupting him. "I've become aware of your little affair with not just Mason, but Colton as well. Color me surprised that I didn't even suspect anything going on with the three of you, but nonetheless from here on out, we are no longer a thing." He leaned back into his chair, a look of triumph on his face. Lisa was frozen in place, unmoving as she stared at Roman with hatred in her eyes.

"You don't want to do this, Drakos." Her voice was low and lethal. Roman leaned forward, his expression matching the tone of her voice.

"I am going to tell the world that our relationship was fake. Nothing about it was real and it was orchestrated by our families. There was no infidelity involved because you have to be in an actual relationship for that to happen."

"If you do that, I promise you that you'll regret it." She hissed and Roman shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Do your worst, Lisa." He was nonchalant and that pissed Lisa off even more. She let out a frustrated yell before turning around quickly, only stopping for a split second to glare at me. She then stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind her. I let out a breath and turned to Roman who was leaning on his desk, fingers kneading his forehead.

"How do you feel?" I asked him softly, moving to stand next to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he sighed, leaning toward me, pressing his head into my body, right below my chest. The move surprised me a little, but I quickly recovered and weaved my fingers through his hair, stroking his scalp in soothing movements.

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