Chapter 53

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"Violett," his voice came out in a tone that I sense was a warning. I gave him a blank stare and tilted my head.


He crossed the room and stood in front of me, eyes searching my face. "What are you saying right now?" he demanded, brows dipped in slight frustration as how nonchalant I was being. I knew it was messing with him and honestly, I was a little happy it was. Payback for him being a total ass. I shrugged, glancing to the side.

"I'm not saying anything. I'm just saying, you say you don't trust me but yet you're trusting me with something that requires the ultimate trust. You don't even know whether or not I'm really on birth control." I raised a brow, and he clenched his jaw, nostrils flaring. He took another step closer to me, so close I could almost feel his chest on mine as he breathed.

"Tell me what the fuck you're saying, now." His tone was lethal, and I almost gave in, but didn't. I just stared at him, not saying another word. That definitely irked him. "Violett, are you fucking pregnant?"

I let out a little chuckle, glancing to the side as I did. Roman grabbed my chin, turning my face back to him. He had a cold look in his eyes, and it made me narrow mine.

"Answer me. This is not a game." He hissed, his grip getting a little too tight for me. I smacked his hand away from my face, glaring.

"This isn't a game to me either! You talk about trust, yet contradict yourself by forgetting your own actions." I stared at him hard before finally answering his question. "No, I'm not fucking pregnant. You think I would ever want to carry your child? Especially when you act like this?" I scoffed, pushing him to the side to get my clothes, a little hurt now at how he was acting. I didn't want his words to affect me, but they did. I tried my best to hide it and now my façade was slipping. I kept my back toward him and was thankful for the silence, that he didn't answer me right away. I needed to regain my composure. As I put on my pants, I could hear his footsteps as he came closer and when I straightened to button my pants, I could feel his body heat behind me.

"If I find out you've been playing me, you'll regret ever knowing me." He hissed in my ear and before I could respond, he was gone.

"I already regret knowing you," I muttered to myself, shoving my shirt on. I was beyond annoyed and now in pain as well because of him and honestly, I didn't regret the pain. It was a great distraction, though it was a little hard to keep him off my mind when he was the reason for the pain between my thighs and around my neck. After straightening myself up, I decided to find Colton and confront him about his knowledge about Samuel Redding. I didn't tell him anything at all and wanted to prove to Roman that he was blowing this out of proportion and that I wasn't being dishonest. Leaving my office, I went straight to Colton's to find him behind his desk, a concentrated look on his face.

"What is it?" he asked without looking up from his laptop.

"We need to talk."

He looked up sharply when he heard my voice, and a sly smirk grew on his face. He leaned back into his chair, gesturing to one in front of his desk. I reluctantly sat down in it and glared at him.

"How did you know about the acquisition? Only Roman and I had that information. There was no way anyone else could have known about it." I got right to the point, not wanting to waste any time. I didn't want to be here any longer than I needed to. Colton's eyes had a hint of humor in them, and I didn't like that.

"You would love to know, wouldn't you?" His smirk grew into a grin, and I wanted to smack it off his face. "I have my ways with getting information. Ways you wouldn't even begin to think about." He shrugged, underestimating me. I leaned forward.

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