My mother turned around happily.

"Please everyone sit, food will be out shortly." My mother said as she motioned at the table.

Gemini sighed quietly as she pulled out a chair and sat next to me.

"Severus." My father spoke as Snape sat as far away from his as possible.

Snape didn't reply back as he gave my father the biggest death glare.

"You're a Tinsley?" Theo's mom asked with a small smile.

Gemini gave her a suspicious look before answering.

"Yes." She answered quietly.

Theo's mom gave a smile as she sat back in her chair. "I love Tinsleys."

My father scoffed quietly and Gemini gave a small smile.

"Lucius, they aren't what you think they are." Theo's father spoke.

"They're monsters." My father scoffed.

Gemini gripped her dinner knife, her mind thinking of throwing it towards him.

"Do it." I spoke to her in my mind.

She shook her head as she let go of the knife.

"Don't speak of my daughter like that Lucius." Snape snapped towards him.

"Food is ready." My mom clapped, as she attempted to break the tension.

Elves quickly set food on the table and poured our drinks, all of us silent expect for Geminis little 'thank you' towards the elves.

We all sat there quietly as we quickly ate our food.

"So kids, are you excited for winter break?" Theo's mother asked, trying to break the silence.

I gave her a slight glare, she knows what we have to do during breaks. We have to deal with the dark lord.

"No." I spoke.

She was taken back slightly at my blunt response.

"Oh." Was all she said.

"Severus, you know I'm still shocked you're a father." Theo's father laughed, trying to save his wife's embarrassment.

Snape gave him a blank stare. "And why is that?" He asked.

"You just don't seem like the father type." Theo's father said shrugging his shoulders as he took a bite of his steak.

Snape smirked slightly as he shook his head. "A lot of people say that, but she's my world."

I looked over at Gemini who's face grew a small smile as he said that, which made me smile.

The love they have for each other.

"I'm sure you're a great father." Theo's mom smiled.

"He is." Gemini spoke as she played with her food.

She's not a fan of eating with a crowd I've noticed.

"Theo, I haven't seen you around recently. Where have you been?" My mother perked up.

Theo's eyes snapped up as he quickly looked at me and back at my mother.

"Uh I've just been busy with life." He said trying to find an excuse.

I scoffed loudly, not meaning to.

Gemini slapped my leg under the table and gave me a glare.

"Don't Draco." She spoke to me through her mind.

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