I'm just hoping it's not my father, because if it is I won't survive.

"Earth to Gemini." Ron spoke as he waved his hand across my face.

I snapped my eyes up and shook my head. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"What were you thinking about?" Harry asked as he threw some ingredients into the cauldron.

I gave him a slight glare before I looked back at my cauldron, which was now starting to bubble, fuck potions.

"Nothing." I said coldly, still mad at him for the other day.

I heard Harry sigh quietly. He was sorry I knew that, he's been trying for days to make me forgive him, but unfortunately for him I know how to hold a grudge.

"Was it about your vision?" Hermione asked quietly.

I started stirring my potion, trying to ease the bubbling.

"It didn't show me who the vision was about, all it showed was us four." I said as I watched my potion finally calm down.

"Do you have any idea who it could be?" Harry spoke again.

I clicked my tongue as I added another ingredient to my potion and stirred.

"If I did, don't you think I still wouldn't be thinking about it Harry?" I said with a snarky tone.

He didn't say anything as he sat back down in his chair, meaning he's finished the potion.

Only because of my fathers book.


"Gemini!" Slughorn spoke behind me, interrupting Ron's comment.

"Yes sir?" I questioned as I looked up at the Professor who had a huge smile on his face like always.

"You've been sent to Dumbledores." He said and with that he walked away.

Training again. Shit.

I grabbed my textbook and used my wand to stop my potion from brewing.

"I'll see you guys later." I mumbled as I closed my book bag and threw it on my shoulder.

I quickly left the classroom, just wanting to get this training session over with. The quicker I get there the quicker it will be done.

I know they're going to try and decipher this vision, maybe try and see who it is, but deep down I didn't want to know because I don't want my world to come burning down.

Not today.

"Why so fast black bird." His voice spoke behind me, causing me to jump.

"You scared me." I said with a laugh as he threw his arm over my shoulders.

"Aren't you supposed to have cosmic awareness or whatever, you should've known I was there." Draco said smartly with a slight smirk.

"I don't know how to access those powers without my other side." I mumbled as we reached the staircase to Dumbledores office. "Shouldn't you still be in class?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he lead the way upstairs. "I was sent to Dumbledore too."

I halted in my footsteps, causing him to turn around and give me a weird look.

"Your parents are there then." I said coldly, my cold tone wasn't towards him. I just wasn't excited for his parents.

He looked up the stairs at back at me as he ran a hand through his hair. "Let's just get it over with."

I scoffed lightly but started back up the stairs.

I went to open the gargoyle but Draco grabbed my hand quickly.

Black bird Where stories live. Discover now