We slowly walked towards the opening of the rink. I stepped on the ice. I turned around to see if Y/n had managed to do the same, but I wasn't surprised when I already saw her slip. I quickly grabbed her before she could land on the hard ice.

"Haha, Thanks Tae." She awkwardly let out.

She must have gotten embarrassed.

"No problem. Here, hold my hand." I let her stand up straight and put out my hand for her to take.

After making a few rounds, skating. She had started to get a hang of it. Even though she could manage on her own, she didn't want to let me go.

"C'mon Y/n, you can do it on your own too." I slightly let go of her.

"NO! Don't let go of meee! I'll fall!" She cried out like a little kid.

"Love, you won't fall. I'm here to catch you if you fall, so don't worry." I assured her.

She looked at me like a child, scared to let go of her parent, because she's afraid to get lost. I gave her a smile, to ensure she'll be fine. She slowly lets go of my hand. She almost lost her balance when she tried to take a step, but got it back.

She was able to get some distance by herself, but fell again. I had caught her before she fell on the ice. She clung at me, for dear life.

"I'm never letting you go again." She said seriously. I could feel my heart skip a beat when she said that. I know it was in a different sense, but I couldn't help it.

"It has gotten pretty dark now, what's the time?" She suddenly asked when she stood straight.

"Almost six." I replied after looking on my watch.

Her eyes widened for some reason.

"Tae, I need to go to the lockers. I need to get something. You stay here, I'll be right back, alright?" She suddenly said.

"Um. Alright, but do you want me to bring you back there?"

"Uh. Yes, please." She looked so sad. I chuckled a bit, then took her hand to help her get back.


Y/n's POV

Shoot, it's almost six!

I quickly went to the lockers and opened one of them to take out roses I bought for Tae. I ran back and saw Tae standing there, back-facing me while waiting for me.

I hid the arm with the flowers behind me back and used the other one to grab Tae's arm.

"Let's go!" I said. We needed to hurry, otherwise he would miss the surprise.

We got on the rink again and I let him take us to the curve of the rink, so he would get a full view of the suprise. It was very dark now.

"Taehyung." I called out for him. He turned his head towards me and looked a bit confused.

I put a bright smile on my face and all the fairy lights suddenly lit up. The huge Christmas tree in the middle, was fully lit up. I specially arranged this. The Christmas lights in the tree spelled out words. 'Happy birthday Tae' it said.

Taehyung's head immediately turned towards the tree and his eyes widened. He stared at it for a moment and then turned his head back towards me. Before he could say anything, I hugged him.

"Happy birthday, Tae" I shouted out and wrapped my arms more tightly around him. He stood still for a moment, probably progressing what was happening. He wrapped his arms around me after a while and whispered in my ear.

"Thank you, Love. I can't believe you actually knew it was my birthday today." His voice sounded a little shaky.

"Of course, I knew! I'm your girlfriend afterall." I could feel him hug me even tighter, after saying that.

I pulled back from the hug and put out my hand with the roses in it.

"I got you these. I hope you like them." I handed him the roses with a smile.

"I love them, thank you." He smiled at me and it was one of the most beautiful moments in my life.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and intertwined our hands. He turned to look at the tree, that was still shining brightly. I looked at him and it was one of the best sights, I had ever seen of him.

 I looked at him and it was one of the best sights, I had ever seen of him

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