"That's not Sam."

"Yes, it is. And Alexis is too. You just can't see it yet. Dean, its their destiny. Look, I'm sympathetic. He's your brother. You love the guy. This has gotta hurt like hell for you. But here's the thing. It would've wreaked him." Gordon stands up from his chair, taking a bandanna and using it as a gag, tying it around Deans head. "But your dad...if it came down to it, he's have the stones to do the right thing here. Are you telling me...you're not the man he is?"

Dean looks over at him. Gordon stands up, walking toward the front door.


"You hear him?" Gordon asks not to long after. Sam was at the back door. "Here he comes."

Dean could only hear the first bomb go off, he screams. The sound was muffled.

"Hold on." Gordon says. "Not yet. Just wait and see."

Dean glances over his shoulder right before the second bomb goes off. Alexis stirred, groaning a little; but she fell back into unconsciousness.

"Sorry, Dean." Gordon walks off. Dean knew when he came back Alexis was next. The after a few seconds he heard Sam yell. Dean looks over his shoulder, trying to see something. Anything. Dean fights against his restraints, listening to the sound of fighting. Crashing and stumbling.

He looks over at Alexis when he hears her groan again. She was moving uncomfortably before she stops moving all together. Dean panics for a second, but then he sees the shallow rise and fall of her chest. She was alive.

Sam walks in, kneeling down to untie the ropes around Deans wrists and ankles. Dean stands up, setting a hand on Sam's shoulder, looking over him.

The he glances at Alexis. "Son of a-" Dean takes off in the direction of where Gordon was.

"Dean, no." Sam calls out causing Dean to stop and turn to him.

"I let him live once. I won't make the same mistake twice."

"Trust me. Gordon's taken care of. Come on. Let's get Alex and get outta here." Sam turns around to look at Alexis. "What happened to her?"

Dean quickly moves to Alexis, untying the ropes around her wrists and ankles. "Hey, Lexi, sweetheart, wake up. Come on." Dean takes her face in his hands. "Come on, darlin', wake up. Come on, baby, look at me."

Alexis stirs a little, blinking and groaning. "...Dean?"

"Yeah, baby, I'm here." Dean lifts her into his arms, turning around. Sam was already at the front door, waiting for them. "It'll be okay."


"Dean, let me walk. I can walk." Alexis mutters, coughing a little.

"Darlin', you're barely staying awake." Dean glances at her.

Gunshots from behind them sound out.

"You call this 'taken care of'?" Dean yells at Sam as the reach a hill where Dean gently sets Alexis down, all three ducking to avoid getting shot.

"None of this screams taken care of to me." Alexis clutches her stomach. Fresh blood seeping into her already crimson stained clothes.

"Just trust me on this." Sam looks over at the two. Not even five seconds later the gunfire stops and the air is filled with the sound of tires squealing and sirens.

Alexis could hear the faint yelling of police officers.

"Anonymous tip." Sam whispers to Dean as a police officer finds Gordon's rack of weapons in the car.

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