Season 2 Chapter 3: Crisis in the snow.

Start from the beginning

Jason: It's alright Velvela, just calm down and head back to sleep ok. I'll wake you up when we get there.

She looked at Saki and growled once more, then closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

Naomi: I-is something to matter.

Jason: No honey, everything is alright. Just head back to sleep alright.

She laid her head on top of mine again and closed her eyes while I gently rubbed her snout.

Saki: Why do they like you so much? Better yet why did that wolf stick up for you like that.

Jason: Because they're my wives, my everything.

Saki: Furries and humans?!? That's funny. Either they're screwed up in the head or-

Jason: I dare you to say another word about my girls.

She paused and looked at me, seeing the cold glare that I was giving her.

Jason: Say all the shit you want about me, but if you ever talk about them like that in front of me. Even the slightest remark and I promise you'll regret ever saying anything. You don't know what I'm capable of and I promise you don't wanna find out. Do I make myself clear?

My eyes began to change color as my gaze grew more intense, making her get very uncomfortable.

Saki: W-whatever. I still don't understand why they care for a human like you. Better yet, why do you like them so much?

Jason: They are my light, my everything. Back a couple years, my life was in complete shambles. I was like a walking corpse, following orders given to me by a bastard I called a general. Then things got complicated and I was sent somewhere I've never been in my life. Things got stressful, people chasing me and trying to kill me all while I was trying to complete a mission. Things were rough for me, then I met the first three. We were close friends at the time but we all were tight, we got each other and had each other back. After finding a way home, I stupidly left them and went to later find this beautiful wolf.

I gently patted Naomi's head, making her take my hand and hold it.

Jason: Then I was reunited with the other three after an incident, which they followed me home and have stuck with me since. Note when I say I didn't do anything to motivate them, if anything I was running away from them to keep them out of the shit I got myself into. Yet they refused to leave my side and have been with me since. The other chimera I met a long time ago and was reunited with her after bumping into each other in public. My point is that they chose to stay by my side despite my request to stay away from me and my problems. Them being stubborn like they are they chose to ignore me and have been with me ever since. They take care of me and I do the same, so that's why I care for them so much. They are family to me and family means more to me than anything, including my life. I am willing to lay my life down for them at any moment if I were needed to. Not because I wanna be some hero but because they are worth sacrificing my life for.

Saki: I see, what about this chimera business. Is it true and if it is, how are you able to transform?

Jason: It's true, and how I'm able to is because I too was experimented on. I was the first human test subject, better yet I was the first furry ever created.

Saki: Y-you were?

Jason: Yeah. Now I'd appreciate it if we dropped this subject, I prefer not to talk about that part of my life. Get some shut eye, you're going to need it for the fight ahead of us.

I got cozy and then closed my eyes.

Saki: Jason. Are humans really all that bad or is it just a couple of humans?

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