S2 Chapter 15: Eggman for President

Start from the beginning

Eggman: I'm warning you, Mr. President, Sonic will stop at nothing. Nothing. He must be eliminated.

President: Now, please don't get excited, Eggman. Just calm down.

Eggman: Calm down? How can I be calm with this Menace on the loose? I've worked hard to bring light to your people, but all Sonic wants to do is stop me.

President: Yes, I believe you're right. He's a public threat.

He looked at his woman assistant.

President: Instruct my Commanders that I want Sonic stopped immediately.

Woman: Yes, sir.

They sent out a bunch of government robots and when the President and his assistant were distracted Eggman quietly laughed.

Eggman: That gasbag sure is gullible, isn't he?

Decoe: He sure is. Right, Bocoe?

Bocoe: Ha, ha. Sonic is finished.

They both looked outside and saw a whole crowd of people chanting "Eggman" which caused him to go out to them.

Eggman: Thank you all. You're very kind!

Decoe: Isn't it funny, Bocoe? Who would have thought this could ever happen? Now, Dr. Eggman is the hero. And Sonic is the bad guy.

Bocoe: But what about Y/n?

Decoe: Come to think of it, we haven't heard from him in a while.

Bocoe: Regardless. I am so happy, I could blow a fuse.

With Topaz and Rouge.

Topaz was flying in a helicopter while Rouge was flying right outside of it until her head starts to hurt and she fell for a bit.

Topaz: What is it, Rouge? Is the noise from the chopper blades getting to you?

Rouge: I'm okay, but I'm sensing something weird.

She flew down.

Topaz: Follow her!

The pilot followed Rouge.

With Helen.

She was looking out her window.

Helen: I miss the light.

???: You seem down.

She looked to the side and saw Y/n near the window edge.

Helen: Y/n! I haven't seen you in so long.

He walked through the window and gave her a hug.

Y/n: I am sorry to worry you.

She hugged back.

Helen: It's okay, you're here with me now.

Y/n: Listen, Helen. You can't use a Sunshine Ball.

Helen: What?

Y/n: Give me a minute and I'll explain everything.

Knuckles was seeing there talk far enough that he couldn't hear what they were saying.

Knuckles: Poor little kid. At least she has Y/n to comfort her.

He continued to walk until some people ran to him.

Man: Knuckles!

Man 2: We've got a really big favor to ask you.

Knuckles: Favor?

Girl: If Sonic keeps knocking down the Mirror Towers, we'll never get out of the dark!

Man: He'll listen to you.

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