Chapter 12- Propose?

Start from the beginning

I sigh and tell him about this morning, but choosing not to mention the alibi I made up for Jimin.  I guess we all agreed we're on the same team, so I owe him that much.

Taehyung- So he's not a suspect. Good.

Y/N- Now that I think about it, it was a good idea he injected himself with my vaccine, even if it did cause him serious issues.

Taehyung- Saved by his faith in you. Smart man.

Y/N- For all his genius, he chose to completely ignore the possible consequences. He could have died. 

Taehyung- Sounds familiar now, doesn't it?

Y/N-...I better get inside. The notes won't read themselves.

Taehyung- me if anything happens. I'll be there in a flash.

Y/N- Yes sir.

I go inside, determined to work, but wasting most of the day on fear and useless thoughts. The next day, Taehyung drops me off by the lab and leaves, talking about security camera's or something like that. Suddenly, I feel too alone. One way or another, I have to go inside. Courage, Y/N. 

I enter the lab, expecting a thunderous lab. Instead, people barely even look at me. I notice Jimin near the bookcases, so I approach him.

Y/N- What's up?

Jimin- Do you ask because you want to know what I'm doing, or do you hope to hear the newest gossip?

Y/N- Geez, someone got up on the wrong foot. Both, I guess.

Jimin- Well, I'm looking for a book that's been missing for some time. As for the's a juicy one. Jimin doesn't care enough to listen to gossip.

Y/N- I knew that.

At least he's in a good mood.

Jimin- Was there anything else you needed?

Y/N- Aside from asking how you're feeling, and maybe if you want to grab a cup of coffee?

Jimin- I'm fine, and no. I'm still not feeling well to drink anything but water.

That makes me feel really sad...I hope he'll be okay.

Y/N- I'll see you a bit later, then?

Jimin nods absentmindedly and shifts his attention to the bookcase. On the way to the coffee machine, I notice a couple of familiar faces. Jungkook and his friend, Seokjin are talking about something very excitedly. I hear my name being mentioned, but I can't make out what they are saying.

Jungkook- So now, I'm waiting to hear from her, or Jimin at least. I have no idea what's going on and it's driving me insane.

Seokjin- How come you've never told me about this Jimin guy?

Jungkook- Actually, I just met him through Y/N. She's a mutual friend.

Seokijn- You just met this guy and you're already pulling strings to get him out of prison?

Jungkook- I'm not really pulling any strings. My uncle just told me they "caught their guy" and when he described him, I knew it was Jimin.

Seokjin- And you don't believe Jimin is the killer?

Jungkook- To be honest, I don't. Sure he has a cool facade, but deep down, you can tell he cares about Y/N. As a colleague if nothing else.

Seokjin- And then you called Y/N?

Jungkook- Yes, I called her. And then immediately I called Taehyung.

Seokjin- Wait, who is Taehyung now?

Jungkook- He lives right next to Y/N. I think he has either had or he still has feelings for her but I can't be sure.

Seokjin chuckles.

Seokjin- Looks like you got some serious competition, kook.

Jungkook- They're not my competition. I don't see Y/N like that. She's a friend. That's all.

Seokjin- Well in that case, maybe I could make a move...

Jungkook- The hell are you talking about?

Seokjin- I wouldn't do anything if you were interested in her, but if you two are just friends, then maybe....

Jungkook- She's a lot more than you can handle, my friend. She wouldn't give you the time of the day.

What the hell are these two going on about?! Should I approach them or just go get coffee?

Jungkook- Hey, Y/N. Are you alright?

YN- Yeah, um...just getting some coffee. 

Jungkook- Seokjin hyung told me you've met already.

Seokjin- That we have.

I nod and exchange pleasantries with Seokjin, who seems particularly happy to see me.

Jungkook- You didn't answer my calls.

Y/N- I forgot my phone. Everything is fine, I promise.

Jungkook- Well, anyway. Seokjin was just telling me about this cool new top secret...project.

Seokjin- And, I'm already regretting it since it won't be top secret for much longer now that you know about it!

Seokjin delivers the line with a genuine smile on his face, but Jungkook frowns.

Jungkook- Don't listen to him Y/N, I'm trustworthy!

Y/N- I'm sure you are, Jungkook. 

Talking to them, for a moment I forget about all of my worries.

Jungkook- So anyway, we think you'd be a perfect fit!

Seokjin- Let's not leap forward before hearing the lady's opinion, kook.

Y/N- What is it about?

Seokjin- Before I say anything, I'll need you to swear absolute secrecy. Nobody must find out what I'm about to propose, or all will be lost.

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