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Song of this chapter!

runaway runaway - Mars Argo (unreleased)

First-person perspective

- Victoria Lawson -

It's the next day, the last period, physical education with Matt. I feel a little better about my dad, I mean, I get he was a horrendous person but I wish we could have a funeral for him.

That probably wouldn't be great for me either but what can I do? I suppose I can just try and forget about it, push past it, you know?

We have a locker room, separated for the girls and boys but a joint class.

My sports uniform is a bit small... not the shirt but the shorts barely cover my ass.

I refuse to buy a new uniform though, Matt and I skip half the time anyway. And as I usually would say, these shorts are cunty.

I clip my hair in a claw clip and walk out. The worst thing about my uniform is that I have other guys in my class who like to stare.

Like, stare so much they might as well take a picture while they're at it.

I walk over to Matt and already hear the murmurs behind me. I do have a jacket but it's at home being washed.

"Matt, give me your jacket please" I place my hands below my shorts.

He looks over at me, "No why would I do that? It's cold".

"Yeah well imagine what I feel like now give me your fucking jacket, I'm not asking".

"Nope, I look so good right now" Matt poses with his hands brushing through his hair and biting his lip at me which I couldn't help but laugh a little bit.

I take a breath and roll my eyes, "Fine, I'll get one from someone else".

My hand raises and Mr Daniel, our sports teacher, looks over at me. "Yes, Victoria?"

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask.

He sighs, "It was just lunch break, why didn't you go then?"

"Because I didn't need to go then" I reply.

"Yep, yeah whatever, just go" he sighs dramatically and continues to explain the intention of today's lesson to the rest of the class

I quickly walk away with my hands covering my behind and turn around a corner to lean against a wall and pull my phone out.

Rob 🫶

V: do u have a class rn?

R: No I do not, why?

V: I'm coming gimme a sec

I turn my phone off and walk over to his classroom.

I immediately enter, not to risk any chance of anyone seeing me.

He looks up at me with Marcel in hand, I had to beg Rob to bring him again.

"What would you like?" He asks.

"Uh- well, can I skip here, please?" I close the door behind me.

"Do you have to? Why are you skipping?" he asks.

"Uhm-" I turn, my back facing him, and remove my hands, "See?" I ask again, turning back to him.

His cheeks are a shade redder than before. "I see a lot, take a seat, gorgeous".

Teachers secret // mature //Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum