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Song of this chapter!

Cherry - Lana Del Rey

First-person perspective

I awake in bed by myself, in pain. In pain everywhere, oh god.

Totally worth it though.

A groan leaves my lips as I sit up and reach for my phone.

My home screen brightens my face giving me a small headache, I have three messages. One from Robert and two from Matt.

I turn onto my side and open my notifications.


R: I went to work, I tried to wake you up but you got upset and told me to fuck off so I thought I'd let you sleep. Do whatever you please and I'll take you home when I finish.

Love you.

I smile and open Matt's messages.


M: are you coming to skl?

M: wake tf up bitch

V: rude. no i will not be coming to skl i got major dick last night, i do not recommend doing stuff on a school night.

M: sorry bby, didn't mean it <3

M: ur so lucky wheres my man to fuck me till i die

V: insane. that shit will send you to the psych ward.

M: LMFAOOAOAOOAOA wait i gtg I'm scared of ms bett

I put my phone down and stumble out of bed to use the bathroom.

I brush my teeth with my finger and shower since last night I didn't wash my hair.

I sit on the floor, my legs still shaking, and use Roberts products.

My stomach grumbled, I didn't eat much since I was tired. After making sure I have all the product washed out, I turn the shower off and wrap myself in a towel.

Walking back out to the bedroom with water droplets falling from my hair and down my legs, I change back into the clothes he gave me.

Once again, my stomach grumbles and I quickly go downstairs into his kitchen. The pain is fucking torture.

I've of course been in here before, specifically while he's cooked me dinner god how I wish he were here right now to make me food, but I have never really been in his pantry.

And I have been missing out, his pantry is like Khloe Kardashians with everything organised. Nothing I wouldn't have suspected from him but everything is evenly stacked and equal with each other, not to mention, it's huge.

While I search, just as I'm about to grab some eggs from the fridge, the doorbell rings.

I sigh, shutting the fridge and combing my fingers through my hair to smooth it out.

Just as I open the door, a woman begins speaking.

"Robert we-" A couple maybe in their late fifties stands there, "Who are you? What are you doing in this house?".

"Uhm, I'm Robert's girlfriend... who are you?" I ask and they look me up and down.

They ignore my question, "Go get the thing" The woman says to the man.

Why are they not answering my question?

"Is Robert home?" The woman asks.

"No..?" I respond, still sceptical.

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