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song of this chapter!

Age Ain't Nothing But a Number - Aaliyah

First-person perspective

- Victoria Lawson -

I lean against the desk as Mr Maddens stand in front of me, hand beside my thigh on the desk too and the other on my chin.

Butterflies flutter throughout my stomach and I bite my tongue. He's so pretty, he looks like what 'pretty when you cry' sounds like and he's kissing me!

Pulling closer to me, he places his lips on mine.

As our lips move together his hands travel my body, sending chills.

Both Mr Madden's hands stop at my hips, lifting me easily onto the desk.

He stands in between my spread legs both hands beside my thighs.

I run my hands up his arms and around his neck and to his hair, combing my fingers through it.

This is feeling like my dreams. Actually, it could be a dream - my mum dropped me off and now this? Fucking crazy.

The bell rings and he pulls away, I grab his tie, pulling him back for one last quick kiss then get down and grab my bag, sitting at my desk.

Mr Maddens sits at his desk too and we wait for people to enter the classroom.

I chew on my nails and during the whole class, I just admire him.

".. I'll be handing back your tests from yesterday".

He holds the stack of papers looking at the very top one then looking at me and putting the papers down.

He grabs a sticky note and scribbles something on it then hands me the piece of paper with the sticky note on it.

On the sticky note is a phone number, his number.

I bite my bottom lip, looking up at him as he returns the smile and walks away.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I slide the sticky note into my phone case.

Does this mean he enjoyed the kiss?

The bell rings and I wave goodbye to him then run off to Matt.

"Matt! Matt! I need to tell you something".

Matt smiles, "What?".

I grab his hand and run off with him to the bathroom.

Locking the entry door to the bathroom, "Alright what?" He asks.

"I may or may not have kissed someone".

He gasps, "Who?!".

"Uh.. it was Robert Maddens" I grin toothily.

"No fucking way it was him".

I nod my head slowly, "is that bad?" I ask, anxiously.

"Definitely, but sooooo cunty" Matt clicks his fingers, "Tell me, babe".

I sit on the bathroom counter next to the sink and begin to spill the tea.

!! Perspective change !!

- Robert Maddens -

Throughout the day I think about me and Victoria's 'interaction'.

It was a mistake... I think.

We could get in.. no I could get in serious trouble if anyone finds out.

I mean I know the legal age is sixteen - seventeen depending on the state and Victoria is eighteen but still.

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