"Don't break the poor girl, she just got here." Mel helped me up.

"Don't worry. I don't break that easily." I smirked at our captain. Mel didn't look too convinced and the other two weren't helping whatsoever.

"We'll take care of her." Both Leila and Mapi swung their arms over my shoulder, guiding me to the kitchen.

"That doesn't ease my worries at all." She deadpanned.

Leila, Mapi, Jenni, Pina, Jana and soon Patri, Aitana and I joked around in the kitchen. Laughing and talking about everything and anything. Turned out I was worried for nothing. I could see myself having a life here.

"What do you like to drink?" Patri opened the refrigerator.

"Waters fine."

"What?" Aitana said while everyone looked at me in surprise.

"Water." I repeated myself not cueing in on the fact that it was a rhetorical question.

"Yeah no. I saw how you can party. You're not drinking water now." Patri said unimpressed by my request.

"I really should stick with water. It feels like I've barely been sober this week." I chuckled. "Last week I didn't do anything other than party. I should really stick with water now."

"You guys definitely did party hard." Jenni said. "I respect that." She pointed my way and winked.

"It's not everyday you become a world champion." Mapi shrugged.

"True." Leila said.

"Don't worry, I can teach you." I winked at the girls who all laughed.

"To party hard or to become a world champ?" Jenni asked, laughing.

"Both." I smirked.

"I'll take you up on that offer but come on, what's one more day of drinking? You have to drink with your two new best friends." Mapi pleaded with me. Leila soon joined in but it wasn't till Alexia softly nudged me that I broke.

"Fine. Give me a beer." I rolled my eyes. The girls cheered and Patri handed me a beer while taking one herself.

"Allright, time to get to know the newbie. We'll ask you some questions, every time you skip one, you drink." Jenni smirked.

"Fine by me." I shrugged my shoulders and smirked right back at the forward. "I have nothing to hide so bring it."

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Alexia placed both her hands on my shoulders and whispered in my ear. Her hands slowly traveled to the front of my body, wrapping themselves around my shoulders so she was hugging me from behind.

"Ale, it's fine." I turned to look at her and kissed the side of her face, dangerously close to her lips. Our interaction didn't go unnoticed by Lieke who raised her eyebrow.

We grabbed our drinks and went to the living room. Leila and Mapi kept making me laugh. I gently pushed Mapi on the shoulder and plopped down next to Alexia with Aitana on the other side.

"Alright, let's start off easy. When is your birthday?" Aitana started.

"Twenty sixth of June."

"Very important question. Cats or dogs." Mapi asked.

"Both." I shrugged.

"Nope, wrong answer. You need to choose one." Mapi crossed her arms and looked at me intently.

I breathed out, thinking over the pros and cons. Honestly I hate choosing between two things I can't choose from and this is one of those situations.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now