Chapter 29

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Under a hazy veil of sleep, you found yourself twisted in your bed, hiding your head underneath your pillow, annoyed over the unpleasant sounds that were disturbing your sleep.

"God, I barely closed my eyes, why did morning come so fast." You mumbled to yourself as your fash shrunk in displeasure and slowly reached your hand out of your covers, to reach your alarm clock. However, even though you stepped on it, that sound didn't stop, making you hit it once or twice more before your sleepy mind finally made the realization that the sound that was ringing wasn't coming from your alarm.

You lifted your body to a seated position abruptly, while your head was directed towards the door, processing the environment better and the fact that someone was ringing your doorbell, finally sinking in.

"The heck! It's 4 am?!" As your eyes fell on the clock and took in the early time, you couldn't help but utter that realization in astonishment, right before a veil of worry took over you, making you hurry off your bed to get to your door. For who would come ringing doors at such an hour, without a good reason?

You peaked over the hole of the door once there, just for security reasons and your mind couldn't help but get even more perplexed upon witnessing Jin's figure waiting at the other side of your door.

You opened the door immediately after that and faced him with your bed hair glory - which you had forgotten about- and your pyjamas, only to notice that he was not alone, but by the corner of the door, stood Jimin, in the same clothes you had bid him goodnight in, with the only difference that now those fine clothes were a mess.

"Oh my God-" Was all you uttered as he unbothered made his way in and Jin followed, but waited for you to close the door, so he could speak with you. You did so after a minute of pause however for you were sure taken aback but once you were left in the privacy of your apartment and turned around to face Jin, he took hold of your shoulder rather desperately and pulled you closer to him.

"Listen well to what I am about to say. Whatever happens from now on, stay at least two feet distance, don't turn your back on him ever under any circumstance and never, never get on his nerves." He uttered with a sense of fear in his orbs that got you by surprise for he had never looked that way before you.

"If you are to give advice to others, you should keep it yourself first." P3's voice made Jin freeze in place momentarily as he had assumed that he was walking ahead and thus wouldn't hear but instead Jimin had just taken some quick steps to your kitchen and had returned with a knife in his hand, that caressed Jin's back slowly enough to have him gulping down his saliva as he remained still.

You looked over his shoulder in confusion, and Jimin just tilted his head to meet your gaze and smiled at you, once he was sure that you noticed the knife, looking forward to your reaction that did not surprise him much but it excited him nonetheless.

You pulled Jin instantly more towards yours and out of reflex, you placed yourself before him, while you were still looking at him with wide eyes and utter shock on your face.

"Just what the hell are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Jimin-" You halted your tongue as once that momentary anger and confusion washed over you, your gut feeling erased the sleepiness out of you.

His gaze was different, his aura was different, and his whole essence suddenly felt different. The more you looked into his eyes, the more you felt like a current of shock was passing under your skin, making you tremble in place while your instinct was screaming at you, like no other time.

"Worry not, I won't harm anyone, I got the knife just cause I couldn't find a toothpick," P3 uttered in an attempt to fix the tense atmosphere he purposely created. How fun was it, playing with people's fears?

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