Chapter 46

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Jiya's furious gaze pierced through the air as she forcefully exhaled, desperately attempting to rid her face of the bothersome strand of loose hair. With a wave of simmering anger, she locked her eyes on you, her stare a blazing testament to her rage.

However, the visible anger and possible resentment towards you did not bother you, for you reasoned that you deserved it after the move you pulled on her. You were taking care of the aftermath carefully and as politely as you could manage by cleaning the dried blood that had smeared her face.

This time around you had no fears of being so close to her for now she was tied up on a chair with duct tape, having only her mouth free for you needed her to be able to speak.  

"I wasn't expecting you to be in a relationship with him. That sure was a surprise." She commented as she allowed her eyes to travel from you to P3.

"We are not." You deadpanned and she gave you a suspicious look.

"You shouldn't trust her. No one would be trying to seduce you without something to gain." Her sudden accusation made you scoff at her statement and instantly step away from her face, regretting the fact that you had used a clean wet cloth to clean her up instead of one dipped in water from the bathroom.

"I never tried to seduce anyone and just so you know, trying to mess the waters between me and him, won't get our attention away from you." 

"Oh well, technically she did try to seduce Jimin once but no one is complaining about that." P3 chirmed in and you simply stepped on his foot as he was right by your side, finding his comment more than unnecessary even though true.

He didn't react how you were expecting him to the pain you caused him as instead of any phoneme of pain, he left out a soft moan and lightly smiled.

"You are really annoying me right now." You hissed, deliberately creating a chasm between you two, recalling his sadistic nature and the fact that apparently, he gets pleasure from your displays of aggression. Information you found out in a rather traumatizing way if you may add for despite how casually you ignored his straight-out marriage proposal, you would lie if you were to say that it wasn't as shocking as the kiss itself.

"Why are you even treating me like this? I have known Jimin for years and you know this girl for barely some months." Jiya struggled in her seat, utterly annoyed with her outcome.

"Oh, would you look at that? Someone wants my attention. What is it dear? Do you want to leave me your last wish?" P3 smiled as he responded to the small tantrum Jiya seemed to be throwing, but his politeness only made you step back a bit more, this time not planning to interfere with whatever he was to do.

He placed his arm around her shoulder and retrieved his phone from his pocket, allowing his screen to show before Jiya's eyes. " Shall we make a video call to your lovely boyfriend?" He heard the way her breath was cut short near his ear, as he brought to the screen Jin's contact and allowed his thumb to ghost over the calling icon. 

" Or should I get you naked in your bed and call him over so he can get his heart ripped off his chest?" He lowered his phone and tilted his head to take a look at her face, which got twisted in pain, reassuring him that he had just found her weakness. 

Breaking Jin's heart.

"You-You wouldn't do such a thing to him...Even if he means nothing to you, Jimin loves him! Jimin would never forgive himself if he was to hurt Jin's feelings!" She argued mostly trying to reassure her own self that he was just bluffing but P3 just laughed at her and placed his hand over her mouth.

When she saw that he presses the icon and the call was forwarded, she tried to free her mouth but P3 nonchalantly tightened his grip on her and allowed his hand to get swinged with the movements of her head that were nothing more but a pathetic attempt in his eyes.

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