Chapter 61

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Like the blood that was sliding through his broken teeth, regret was ghosting at the back of his mind, even though he was well aware that he had reached far too ahead to ever have a chance of erasing his doings.

Park JuWon was a man who held a certain pride in his profession, even though he could never utter anything about it to anyone. Most people knew him as a 3rd engineer, working on ships but that fake profession of his was not that bad to not allow him to brag. He would leave home for a long period without anyone questioning anything and he still was able to speak about his tales to his young son, when back.  

Of course never in front of his wife, for she would be able to understand that his tales were not related to the ships he was supposed to have been working with. As his son Jimin grew older however, JuWon still couldn't stop that habit of his, for sharing those stories with his son, was a bonding moment he wasn't willing to toss aside just because he was growing up and being more able to comprehend. When Jimin had grown too old to understand he had just claimed that all his stories, were made up. Under the pretext that he had so much free time while sailing in the sea that he would come up with stories to pass the time. 

The fact that they were lies had not changed anything for Jimin, for he loved them still the same and his father often would question him about them as if he was giving an exam. Especially on the Blue Butterly mission. That story was a favorite of Jimin and since he was ten, he had learned everything by heart about it. His father would even write documents for him and burn them after he memorised them. To the point that he felt that if he was to give it a try, he could reenact the whole experiment, recreate the serums and even reach out to the people on the list if they would have been real. 

JuWon had made the mind of his son, the only physical archive of that mission, for any other physical proof could put his life in danger. He could not afford to play games, while he was married and a father to such a beautiful son. He had a family now and that never left his mind, even though he could not withdraw from his real occupation that easily.

In his mind, he had made his calculations. Just a few more years and he would ask to retire and he would spend his life doing a less dangerous job, by the side of his wife and his child. Maybe they could finally go on some trips together and his wife would be less mad at him, for leaving her alone for long periods.

He had so many plans, but all came crashing on him in a very twisting way that caught him unprepared. Someone who had done so much for this nation and been so devoted to his job, shouldn't have been in the position that he was at that very moment, simply because he refused to give the Blue Butterly to any government. He had been a loyal national agent, however he was not stupid. He was well aware his government was corrupted and would be using the Blue Butterfly to gain military advantages and much more. 

That decision was gonna cost him his life, and JuWon was more than aware of that from the moment he had lied to his superiors, however, he still had a moral code he wasn't willing to break and stood firm to the right of an individual to keep the solemn consciousness and be in control of their own will. For who are humans, to put chains in the will heaven gave us as free.

This mindset of his had not been shaken even after the many hours of beating that he had withstood before he was tied and lifted into the air of this underground room. The ropes that were pulling at his limbs, bringing his whole entity to an unbearable ache, concluded to have been a pain he would have preferred, once he gazed at the man they had placed before him, at some feet distance, tied up and with a black bag covering his head.

JuWon didn't need to see his face to recognise him, however, for he had his school uniform. He knew he was his son yet he uttered nothing, for that flickering moment was enough to make him realize, that he had not destroyed only his own life, but also the life of who he loved most.

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