Chapter 8

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Have you ever known of someone that lived to have been perfect all his life, flawless to the bones? The possibility of that was so slim that it was to be considered impossible yet we all tend to not find ourselves at the wrong many times in our lives on many different occasions.

For who wants to be wrong, to begin with? We are all scared of being labelled as mean because of our mistakes so we hang on to our perspectives stubbornly and deny the fact that truth itself is relevant. 

Many excuses are born, to justify one's doings, and they may end up burning in unfairness once the conclusion could come to contradict their intentions. He never meant to hurt anyone but the outcome painted him as a wrongdoer and he found himself in denial, like most of us fall, when faced with a mistake that carries fault we don't want to have directed on us.

He didn't know...His mind never thought of that possible scenario, he had never even wished to see her in such a state, yet he felt guilt growing inside him as he kept silent and still, to not be noticed by her...

Jungkook had started his day like any other, with the exception of the ruckus that was still going on about his supposed childhood friend that was none other than you. He had ignored the scolding of his manager that had been quite ongoing from the moment he had made that post on social media but he didn't really care much. 

Once he had reached the company building, however, he had happened to pass by Boram coming out of her father's office, her not daring to meet his eyes as she walked away. He had not paid much attention, for it was none of his business and ultimate what he had wanted was to get rid of her, yet after he had finished his meeting with the CEO of the company and had stepped outside, a comment that a secretary was making while gossiping on the phone had perked his ears. 

"Didn't you see her dressed up from head to toe again...pretending to be conservative once in a while as per usual..."

That sentence had lingered in his mind as he walked away with his manager talking by his side, for Boram was the one that came to mind. 

From what he could recall from the top of his mind, she surely had a strange habit of occasionally being dressed from head to toe with clothes that left no skin escape anywhere. Most of the workers around the company had made the occasion a running joke, saying it's her way of pretending to atone for her sins once in a while and appear collected. No matter what season it had been, Boram never got rid of that strange habit of hers and he had never really paid attention to it for it was none of his business.

Nor did he ever think that a day would come that he wished that he had.

He had excused himself and parted ways for a moment from his manager after reaching the floor where his resting space was, having an hour or so to spare before he would start with the schedule of the day. Casually he walked to the washroom and proceeded to finish his business and wash his hands, only for a sudden noise to grab his attention.

Jungkook was sure that no one was there when he had entered and as he was around no one's feet could be seen occupying any of the stalls, but he was certain he had heard something. 

He shrugged his shoulders after a while and proceeded to walk away from the washroom, passing by two of the bodyguards of the CEO's wife on his way out as they were standing behind the door of the washroom that was for women to use.

His steps kept taking him away however the fact that he had heard a notice certainly kept bugging him, enough to make him turn around and re-enter the men's washroom just to check one more. And he did so slowly, his steps barely audible as he got further inside, this time hearing more clearly some fainted sharp breaths and murmurs.

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