Chapter 12

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You had made your way back to Jimin's apartment safe and sound after the unknown individual that had shot the windows of your van, had made no further move nor had showcased himself in any way no matter how much Jimin had tried to prove him with words. 

After a while of trying DongMin had suggested that you should better leave and Jimin had hopped in the vehicle, appearing slightly annoyed while you were silent for your thoughts had dragged you into a mental state that had made you alert.

On the way back, Jimin's annoyance had faded for he kept smiling and laughing as if he had won a lottery, enjoying the strong wind that was hitting him for the window that had gotten busted was towards his side and he didn't seem to care if anyone was to recognise him or not.

Once inside his apartment, you all had found Jin there, and since he had cooked, you had all sat down and proceeded to inform him of the events that had taken place while eating, leaving aside all that went down with his girlfriend Jiya of course.

 "Yah, how could you just go to a place without checking or having a backup? Are you looking to be kidnapped or something? " Jin couldn't help but start scolding his reckless actions to which Jimin just apologized softly before he stole a bite of Jin's food and he gave him a glare.

"DongMin, you are his manager. You are supposed to not be letting him do stupid stuff. Please do your job better." Jin turned his complaints towards the other man, who should have been more responsible but to his displeasure, DongMin gave him a useless apology as well.

"Ah what will I do with you two? Y/N, you are in charge from now on. I will trust you so if they try to do anything dangerous again, you have my permission to drag them both away by their ears." Jin spoke seriously yet his words made Jimin and DongMin laugh, while you just looked him in the eyes and nodded your heads, understanding that despite his humourous way of putting his request, he meant his words.

"Stop laughing and start taking better care of yourselves! I need a break too from cleaning up after your mess." He proceeded to smack them both on their heads with a slight smile on his lips, his actions causing DongMin who had just taken in a bite of food, to choke on it and start coughing.

Everyone looked at you in the meantime as that was happening for he was seated right next to you and they were expecting you to hit him lightly on the back or react in any normal way a human would while seeing someone choking, but all you did was just look back at them and deadpan. "What? He can die, I don't really mind."

After hearing your words Jin couldn't help but crack up as he proceeded to offer a glass of water to DongMin and after he drank from it, he turned to give you a harsh stare. "Heartless."

"Towards you, forever and ever." You retorted and the table got filled with a wave of laughter once more before Jin brought back the subject.

"That DuHo guy sure has been coming up a lot though. Why don't we try to go after him directly." Jin's suggestions had Jimin through his eyes briefly towards you.

"Did you find anything about how he got that villa? I had asked you to do research on him as far as I recall."

"I did. The villa was not won in a lottery. However, he certainly paid nothing to get that. In the documentation, it's written that it was a gift. The previous owner was very generous with that guy...for reasons I have yet to find out." Jin filled Jimin in on the question he made, his words clearly implying that he didn't believe anyone would gift such a luxurious property to someone out of their good heart.

"Maybe Mr DuHo had some dirt on him. What could have been so strong of blackmail to make someone give him a whole ass Villa, however." Jimin wondered out loud and Jin proceeded to stand up and go get his tablet then returned to the table, having everyone's attention on him.

Wikigirl 2 //PJMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon