Chapter 27

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Jimin found himself halting his vehicle under a bridge in an area quite far from the city while following the address he put on his GPS, the road ended up taking him farther than he had thought.

The motorcyclist whom he assumed to be the same one that had knocked on his window and had invited him to this sketchy environment, lay ahead before his view, leaning against his motorcycle while he had kept his lights on along with his helmet. 

Jimin hesitated to open the door and step out of his vehicle as he looked at him, unsure if this impulsive decision to actually go there, was a smart one, but he was kinda fed up at this point and if whoever was after him had finally decided to face him, he wasn't gonna run away from that opportunity.

He checked briefly his phone, just to see if Jin had seen his messages and after he took the positive answer that reassured him slightly, he allowed a serious expression to take over his face and opened the door and placed his one foot outside. However just as he was about to fully get out of his driver's seat, a gun was placed on his head, making him momentarily freeze his movement.

The feeling of the cold metal at the side of his head, had him counting within himself, but once he reached beyond number three, he allowed a smile to reach his lips and gave a side look at the stranger who was holding a gun against his temple. 

"Twins I see. " He commented as he now moved freely, ignoring completely that gun and casually walking ahead, leaving the door of his car wide open.

The armed man, that was dressed in black and was wearing a helmet exactly like the other stranger that was before him, followed behind him, making sure to have him within close reach of shot, for he had orders to not underestimate the actor that they were ordered to beat up.

"I came all this way and lost my time, so you better give me at least some information." Jimin talked to the man that was before him, playfulness all over his face as if he was joking. 

The way he didn't appear scared or pressured in any way, had the two men that didn't know much about him, look at him slightly confused, but Jimin couldn't see their faces under their helmets.

"Oh, we will give you information, alright. Tonight you are about to learn how to count." The man before him spoke and Jimin made sure to pay attention to the intonation of his voice in order to remember it, just in case.

"Did anyone tell you that I didn't go to school?" Jimin casually tilted his head as he replied, a mocking tone evident in his words, which made the two men feel slightly agitated emotionally even though he had not offended them in any way.

There was something about this cockiness he was displaying, that left them with the impression that he was looking down at them. They had a gun behind his head and had him outnumbered too, yet Jimin not only didn't seem fazed but had the audacity to underestimate them. Indeed they didn't have the right to take his life, as they were ordered to not do that under any circumstance however they had the liberty to beat him up till he loses consciousness and they were definitely feeling more willing to go through with their mission after this behaviour of his.

"You sure are looking too confident for someone that is alone and had fallen into a trap." The man behind him spoke as if intending to break the news to him just in case he had been too shocked for his little mind to have comprehended even that.

"Trap?" Jimin giggled as he repeated his last word, finding the occurrence slightly ironic. Regardless it wasn't an outcome that hadn't crossed his mind. He didn't worry at all, however, for from the moment he had felt that gun against his head and he was still standing, meant that once again, they needed him alive and will keep him so. Nothing else mattered much to him, for he considered them no match for him.

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