Chapter 23

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Jimin found himself before the buffet, trying to pick up some snacks that you could like, while he had placed the two glasses of wine he had taken from the waiter's tray that had passed his way only a few steps after he had returned in from the balcony.

A smile was hanging on his face for no other reason than you and the fact that with the words he had spoken earlier he had almost given himself out. Truth was that at that very moment he really wanted to do just that.  He wanted to look you in the eyes and straight out let you know that he had developed feelings for you and such he didn't want to be just a friend to you.  But despite that burning desire, he still covered his words up simply because of fear.

You walking out of his life or growing awkward with him because of his one-sided feelings, wasn't something he wanted nor something he could brush off easily emotionally.  Just thinking about it, made him feel like he was missing you.

Despite his messy thoughts,  his hands were moving and once his focus returned fully to the plate he was holding, he nodded his head in satisfaction.  He lifted his head to look for his two glasses of wine but instead to his vision fell your sister's face, that even from afar as he was, she was looking as if she was agitated by something.

Only if he knew that BreeAhn was more than that at that very moment,  as she was listening just to her grandmother speaking ill of you.

" That guy she brought along is definitely her equal.  Both lack mannerisms and are good for nothing. "

" How do you know that? You barely know the name of her companion.  How can you all be sure that he has no achievements in life?" BreeAhn couldn't hold her tongue back but as she spoke she still tried her best to not show her irritation in her voice.

" Oh please, sweetie.  Someone with achievements wouldn't even spare a glance at your sister. " Your father replied to her instead and she threw her gaze towards him quite harshly.

" What's that supposed to mean? Y/ N is beautiful and she has a good heart-" She halted her tongue as the three started laughing at her words,  making her anger surface evidently on her face.

" Dear, a wealthy successful man with dignity, wouldn't go after someone that has nothing. Your sister is literally still living on rent " Your grandfather spoke to her as if he was speaking to a child that couldn't understand but that treatment only triggered her further.

" So what if she is living on rent?  At least that's done with her efforts alone. Shouldn't that be admirable? And about successful people looking only at people that are equal to their status,  I would like to disagree. I and Ray are the perfect examples of that. " BreeAhn held her head high as she finished her sentence for she knew that they couldn't oppose that fact. Her boyfriend Ray comes from a wealthy background and is studying and making his way towards a profession that has a level of prestige, while she has none of those things but they still ended up falling for each other.

" Sweetie, do you really think someone like Ray would ever look your way if he wasn't your father and Bobae your stepmother? Don't be silly?" Your father smiled as your grandmother spoke to her rather casually before they all started laughing again,  calling her a romantic idealistic soul. But their sound of laughter made her feel so bad that she almost burst into tears before them, for what they thought as funny,  to her felt like mockery.

She forced herself to smile back and then excused herself by pretending to remember that just at that moment she had realised that she had forgotten her mask in her room. She walked away as her ears picked up her father's comment, calling her forgetful playfully but somehow making her eyes get filled with tears, evidently enough for Jimin to notice as he had been staring her way all along.

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