Chapter 31

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The sound of the keyboard dominated the atmosphere as InSu seemed to have gotten absorbed in his screen, growing unaware of the tension that his darkroom was holding.

His own pressure to succeed had added to his emitting urgency that the ticking clock itself had doubled and the tapping of Jimin's nails against his desk had grown to be an unconscious sound that had crept under his skin, making him swipe his forehead with his sleeve more times that he could recall.

"I am pretty sure that this task it's not something that can be fulfilled so's almost seven in the morning, and we have been here for two hours already," Jin murmured by your side as you two kept a distance from InSu's desk, unlike Jimin that was seated at the other end of it, staring down at the man as if he would take his head off at any minute.

"That was expected considering the request but...are you gonna be the one to tell that to- P3?" You leaned into Jin's ear and whispered the last one carefully to him, as you wouldn't want to risk your whisper being overheard.

"He most likely knows that fact, he is just being intimidating to secure fear in this guy." Jin glanced over at Jimin as he spoke, making you follow his gaze just as you murmured to him, your sincere thoughts over his statement.

"He sure sounds sadistic."

"I am" Jimin's voice cut in right after your voice faded and you both straightened your postures and started looking around the ceiling, despite the fact that P3 had not bothered to throw his eyes your way.

"Don't I have a schedule for today?" He added right before he stood up from his seat, making eye contact with InSu briefly before he returned his intense focus to his screen as if his life was depending on it.

"Well, you actually have. You should be on set in an hour or so. DongMin most likely must be on his way to get you from your house-"

"You should call him then and tell him to get me some fresh clothes and come pick us up from here." P3 cut your sentence as he proceeded to grab a piece of paper from InSu's desk and a pen which he used to write some things that neither you nor Jin was able to see from where you were at.

"I can call him." Jin offered and immediately placed his hand in the pocket of his jacket in order to retrieve his phone but Jimin called his name and halted his movements.

"You should stay here with the hacker until he finds what I am looking for. Here you have the description of the three individuals I am looking for. Whoever falls into that category, places their information aside and puts everything on a file. I will look over them when I get done with work." He gave his instructions just as he threw that piece of paper near InSu's hand, letting him know that he had to stick to those descriptions in order to find the people he was in search of because P3 didn't know their names or any other information on them. The only thing he knew was their faces. Pairs of eyes he will never forget.

"Oh, but I have work too," Jin argued and P3 finally threw his gaze at him, making even you feel slightly unsafe by his stare only.

"I guess I will cancel...I will inform DongMin." Jin gave in and gestured at his phone as an excuse to get himself out of the moment and P3 allowed him to as Jin walked out of the apartment of your neighbour to speak in privacy out in the corridor.

"And you." He addressed you, making you point at yourself as if there was anyone there other than you.

"What about me?"

"I will be borrowing your shower if you don't mind. Can you please escort me to your apartment?" His polite words, got you slightly by surprise but it didn't take long for you to understand that he most likely was trying to keep up pretences because InSu was present. 

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