Chapter 49

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Behind the closed door of Jungkook's changing room, stood three men full of hidden thoughts. Each thinking of themselves as a hunter and their target as the prey. The atmosphere was brimming with a simmering tension despite the polite smiles that they were all wearing while two were scheming against one. Mr DuHo's ignorance over the fact that he had two pair of eyes aiming at his head, being his only disadvantage at that very moment.

"You sure have a nice space here. Have you placed a personal touch?" P3 touched softly over a cushion as he sat on the small sofa.

"Why would I bother? My changing rooms don't last at sets. You of all people should know how it is." Jungkook calmly replied, maintaining the act he had put on, despite how much his heartbeat had increased because of the fact that Jimin while on their way in, had slipped into his pocket some things he had yet to see but he could guess by the touch.

"Right. I do have a personal mini fridge in mine though. Are you in no need of refreshments?" P3 calmly led the conversation where he needed it to go, ignoring Mr DuHo's gaze that had fallen firm on him while he had halted his figure right behind Jungkook's shoulder.

"Certainly. We have a vending machine right outside. Would you like to have something mayhaps?" Jungkook followed the lead and replied as logically as he could despite the fact that they had not talked about anything and he was still clueless about how were they to achieve what they wanted.

"Only if you retrieve it, with your own hands. I will have an iced tea." P3 purposely left his eyes to travel to DuHo, intending to infect him with a bit of fear and make him think that he was trying to be left alone with him.

"I will take just a moment. DuHo, please keep good company to our guest." Jungkook didn't hesitate to flee the room as he was led to do and once outside that door, he placed his hand in his pocket and retrieved with it, an unused needle, a small bottle that seemed to contain some kind of white dust on it and a crumbled yellow sticky note.

He carefully put his hand back in his pocket and walked down the hall towards the vending machine, retrieving from his pocket slowly only the note which he carefully unwrapped on his way there and quickly read the instructions.

This shit is gonna give me high blood pressure!

He thought to himself as he quickly placed the small paper in his mouth and forced himself to chew it and gulp it down because that was the only way he thought of how to secure that he would not leave any evidence behind at that moment. 

The things he makes me do...that tasted so blunt...

He pressed some buttons in the vending machine and retrieved three drinks as per his instructions then carefully placed them at the side where a small counter existed. Jungkook gave a quick look at his surroundings to make sure that no one was paying attention to him, then he proceeded to open the can and pour the beverages on plastic caps which he filled with ice and in one specific one, without a split hesitation he added on it, the white dust that the small bottle contained. 

This better not end up with me behind bars, because I really don't like the clothes they make prisoners wear.  Sure they are there to suffer, but still, they should have a right to one joy in life. 

He kept thinking of nonchalant things while at the back of his mind loomed the anxiety he was trying to trick. He could not afford to get nervous and logical while in the midst of this crucial moment so he might as well become his own personal clown in his thoughts in an attempt to distract his fear.

After he placed the cups in a tray, he casually started his way back to his changing room only for his feet to halt once outside the door. Jungkook's gaze lingered on the doorknob, questioning if this truly was the right thing to do but that thought lasted only a split second as he recalled the fact that his manager had been lying to him for years on end.

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