Chapter 3

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With a cup of coffee at hand and a head that was feeling slightly heavy, you had found yourself in the room Jungkook usually occupies at the Hotel after you had contacted him and had agreed to meet there.

His morning schedule was packed but he had a break for lunchtime and as such he had put you in that opening, leaving you basically hanging around at work despite the fact that your shift was over. At least your supervisor had not seen you though nor anyone was aware that you were hanging out in Jungkook's room except Miok from which you took the key to enter since she was on shift and had Jungkook's room assigned to her this time.

Asking her about that may have not been the best move though as she didn't hesitate to high-key tease you about it, because word had travelled among all staff that you had gone on a date with him and most likely all of them were thinking that something was on the making between you and Jungkook. And now that word was to spread that you met him in his room at that, god your coworkers are about to have a feast.

At least they are people that gossip only among each other and don't have bad intentions, cause this could really go too south if it was to get bigger.

You thought to yourself, being aware that that's how rumours actually start and reputations end up being ruined. Jungkook may have been friendly with you so far but there was no way he would like to get involved in unnecessary scandals anyways, especially if he agrees with claiming that he knew you since young. A request that the more time ticked the more impossible had started sounding to you, for you had checked on the media and the fuss that was going on from the early morning.

The citizens seemed split, some shaming Jimin for trying such a move, even though nothing was confirmed and others questioning why Jungkook had chosen you to go with him at that event, to begin with. It was a total mess, yet that made you have hope for it could be the only reason Jungkook could agree to help you. 

Your phone that started buzzing on the bed, drew your attention back to reality and made you take a quick sip from your coffee before you stood up and left it at the bedside table then proceeded to answer the call.

"Hey" Your flat tone of voice left Jimin immediately knowing that you were tired but he couldn't help but just giggle at that, as you laid your body on the bed, feeling sleepy still.

"You sound so down. Did he say that he won't help you?" 

"I haven't seen him yet. He will be here anytime now and don't jinx things by mentioning negative things." You replied as a yawn escaped your lips, making him smile at the other side of the line.

"I thought you slept well at night, how come you are still sleepy?"

"Don't ask me, even when I sleep I end up being greedy and wanting more sleep and when I don't I forget what sleep is until I pass out. I don't know what a normal sleeping schedule is at this point." You admitted bluntly and listened to the sound of his laughter that as you closed your eyes, it made you slightly smile too.

"You better wake up your brain cells and do a good job Y/N. I am depending on you."

"You have nothing to worry about. I have already thought about everything I have to say and what he could possibly say. I am an overthinker after all. I got this."Your confidence made him laugh a bit more as he was opening the cabinets in his kitchen looking for some marmalade to eat.

"Oh shit! He is here" Your voice suddenly rose in his ears as you abruptly flew off the bed upon hearing the door opening and quickly grabbed your phone and shoved it in your pocket, without hanging up on Jimin's call nor putting him on mute.

"God, you have no idea what I went through to get here without anyone following me. This day has been crazy since early morning. I have reporters tailing me everywhere. Just what is all this about Y/N? How come you know Jimin?" Jungkook seemed rather agitated as he entered, shoving aside his bag as he spoke, then he proceeded to walk to the balcony and pull the curtains shut, in search of some security.

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