Chapter 18

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The rays of light had found their way through the gaps of the dark-coloured curtains into the silent and warm bedroom. Many mornings sun rays had brought that environment to the same state, yet this time around there existed a significant change in his most personal space.

In the bed in which he had always slept on his own, and had spent nights of dread, fear, and tiredness, there laid another body by his side. A body that had curled by his face by his neck and her hands were all over his torso.

The way your legs had gotten entangled between his and the faint feeling of your breaths against his skin, had been the cause that he had slowly drifted back to reality, leaving his calm and resting slumber in the past.

He had slightly opened his eyes for a brief moment, then he had proceeded to try and cuddle you back, but the force that kept him in place, had him recall his state. He moved his handcuffed wrist slightly as his face morphed in displeasure for it was keeping him away from embracing you as he felt the need to do at that moment, then he tried to move his other hand only to be reminded that, that one was tied up with your hand and if he was to move it, it would most likely disturb your sleep.

A soft complaining phoneme escaped his lips as he ultimately ended up just snagging his head above yours, bringing your face to get buried deeper at the crook of his neck. In his hazy awareness, he found his lips curling up to a smile once he had managed to welcome your touch in this way, and his mind proceeded to fall into further calmness as your breathing against his neck, was giving him warmth and tenderness that was making him so comfortable that he wanted to stay there forever.

The scent of your hair didn't take long to fall on his notice and penetrate his nostrils as he had his face now literally buried in it and he ended up placing a small kiss atop your head without thinking much of it, however, the tender touch had slightly awoken you and made you leave a small moan escape from your lips.

"Y/n" He murmured your name with his eyes still closed and the deep raspy tone of his voice, entered your ears softly yet it managed to wake up your consciousness slightly enough to hum back a random sound as a reply.

"Please untie my hand...I want to hold you so badly." His desire slipped unconsciously out of his lips softly, but to your ears, it was like a passing breeze and was left nothing from it for you to comprehend, so instead, you just moved your free hand that was resting on his chest, and left it to travel and get wrapped around his ribs gently.

His handcuffed hand reacted instantly at that action of yours, the restriction making him feel desperate enough for him to move his legs in an attempt to bring you closer and take in more of your warmth but the action was insufficient to satisfy his need so he whimpered in annoyance sleepily as he nuzzled his nose further in between your hair. " are torturing me." He admitted in a whisper as his lips had reached right by your earlobe and he couldn't help but softly take in between his lips, a portion of your skin and gently kiss on it, only for an abrupt loud sound, to fully awaken him from his hazy state of mind and make him jolt his head up, eyes wide open and a mind that had paused any thoughts.

He blinked once or twice, still unable to comprehend well his surroundings but soon the sight before him, became clear enough, and Jimin's mouth fell open witnessing Jin standing by the door frame, with one hand frozen in mid-air and the cup of coffee he was holding in it, now splashed on the floor, as from the shock, it had slipped from his grip.

"Ah...Hyung...We weren't-" He tried to explain as he moved but the handcuffs on his wrist reminded him of their existence again and made their existence aware to Jin too that had not noticed them till that moment. 

"My eyes, my pure eyes," Jin uttered as his face morphed into a mixture of disgust and regret for even barging into that room, as casually as he always used to do.

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