Chapter 17

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You had lightly placed your palm on his chest and that had been enough for him to get the message and get off of you, pulling you along on a seated position as he swiftly had taken grasp of your forearms.

"You do know that what you did was such a foul move. You literally swiped me off my feet."

"I made you fall for me. You landed softly though so why are you complaining?" He played with his words, making you roll your eyes at his flirtiness while your lips kept betraying the fact that you were finding it kinda funny.

"Anyways, ultimately where am I supposed to sleep?" You returned the subject to the reason all this had begun and he patted his bed as a reply. "Get serious please." You urged him and he straightened his posture, cleared his throat and put on a serious facial expression in a matter of seconds.

"You are staying over because Jin Hyung most likely asked of you to look after me. And if you plan on doing that you have no other option but to sleep beside me. And to make it more precise-" He paused his words as he proceeded to get off the bed and start searching for something on some drawers, while you were thinking that he certainly was not someone any could fool easily, for even if he pretended not to know why you wanted to stay, he had guessed correctly.

Either because he knows his Hyung way too well or maybe it was because he got suspicious over the fact that you had excused yourself from the table soon after Jin had. One thing was certain though, despite how fun and nonchalant he may appear at times, you doubted if he ever lets down his guard at all.

"-This would be helpful."He turned around and completed the sentence he had left hanging, now on his hands a long red ribbon that he had taken off, from a shirt he owned that had it as decoration.

"What could we possibly need a ribbon for?"

"Well, you never know what could happen. I could leave while you are sleeping. You wouldn't know. I could be watching a bad nightmare and need someone to wake me up. Curled up at the far end of the bed, you won't be able to hear me. So we will tie our wrists with it." He explained his thinking process, leaving you hanging on the fact that he had guessed right about you sleeping far at the edge of the bed, but later you thought through his words and realized that he actually had a point. You were there to look after him and if any personality was to take him over, while you are asleep, who knows how this could end.

" You know what? I have a better idea. How about you find me some handcuffs and I tie one hand of yours to the bed, and the other with the ribbon, we can tie it to my wrist. That way I can both ensure that you won't leave, nor try to kill me in my sleep, for both your hands will be immobilized and the one you can get easier freed from will be connected to me so I will notice." You suggested and he just blinked once or two, realizing that his previous thought had a flaw for he could untie the knot of the ribbon quite easily if the need was to come.

"I don't know since when my sleeping ended up sounding like imprisonment but let's roll with that. I will go get the handcuffs." He joked about it, even though in reality nothing was funny, for he wasn't protesting or claiming that such strict measurements weren't needed. After what had happened, and the way he had harmed his own self completely unconsciously, he would do anything to keep that from happening again, especially with you around.

"Oh, so you won't even deny that you had handcuffs in your place, huh?" You teased even though you had suggested it, knowing that he did, for you had seen them once while in his basement room that he holds in his souvenirs from his acting roles.

"I may seem innocent but if I were you, I wouldn't let my looks fool you." He teased back with a smile, as he walked out the door and you couldn't help but giggle, thinking that he was full out on his playful mode tonight.

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