Chapter 58

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Boram had successfully made her way inside Mr DuHo's residence, under the excuse that she came to check on his health after the incident they had undergone together at the parking lot by that supposed thief.

Once inside his living room, she had acted as clueless as ever over Jungkook's presence there and after some quick discrete exchanges of looks and subtle text messages to one another, Jungkook and her had started their play, to ensure the full distraction of Mr Duho's mind.

"You are being absurd. You know I am an actor, right? It's my job." Jungkook had replied to Boram's remark that Jungkook sure tends to be too touchy with his female coworkers.

"I am not being absurd. You can act without needing to be all smiley after the shoot is over and invite your female coworkers to dinners." She had retorted with an attitude and Jungkook had visibly rolled his eyes, to give Boram a reason to escalate their fight.

And so she did, both of them ending up going back and forth and bringing Mr DuHo to a desperate state as neither of them seemed to be listening to him, while he was trying to calm the waters for he knew Jungkook fighting with their CEO's daughter was not wise and that was the reason he didn't want him to be in a relationship with her to begin with. 

" Mr Duho, you say something too. Don't you think that now that he is my boyfriend, he shouldn't be that close with other women?" Boram on purpose decided to involve Jungkook's manager in their supposed quarrel just so they could entangle his mind further into their affairs and keep him occupied.

"Miss Boram, please let's reason a bit. His coworkers aren't considered other women. It's his job to act." Mr Duho tried to appeal to Boram as politely and gently as possible, acting the same way he usually does with her.

"Exactly. It's fake kissing. It doesn't mean anything. But if you are gonna be like this, you are leaving me no choice. I should either quit my career or break up with you" Jungkook flipped his previous stance, from trying to convince Boram, to giving in to her just so he could put his manager in a tighter spot and have his attention fully occupied by them.

"What?! Have you lost your mind?! No no, neither of those things will happen." Mr Duho snapped at him, appearing stressed already.

"What else can I do? Should I break up with her?" Jungkook replied to him, knowing that he couldn't suggest to him that since Boram was the only daughter of the CEO of their company. Especially right before her eyes, Mr Duho would never dare say anything that would be considered against Boram's wishes.

"Oh! Do you want to break up with me?! Oh My God!"Boram acted extra hurt as she placed her palm over her chest and looked towards Jungkook with eyes that quickly filled with tears. So quickly that even Jungkook himself was surprised and taken aback.

Did she take acting classes when she was little or something? She is being suspiciously good at this. 

Jungkook thought to himself as he observed the panic in his manager's face as he approached Boram.

"No, No. Miss Boram, that's not what he is saying. I reassure you. Let's calm down. Please take a seat." Mr Duho urged her politely and with much patience and she did so, getting ready to hear him prolonging to her in order to convince her. A situation which under other circumstances she would like to avoid but since it was gonna gain you time, which you and Jimin most likely will need, she was more than willing to play dumb and have him try to explain to her a thousand times over.

---Change of set---

Like a dragon's breath against your skin, time felt like it was urging you to find a solution to open that secret door but no matter where your palms had travelled to around the empty walls, no spot felt more special under your touch.

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