Lorena smirks at her before a beeping sound is heard and soon after the projectile in Venoms hand explodes in a small burst of flames hurting Venom immensely.

"Arghh." Screech's Venom as they stumble and stagger around as the flames die down.

Venoms composes itself and reforms with anger and rage overflowing as they turn their eyes back to Lorena.

"You'll... pay for that." Venom seethes.

"I doubt I will." Lorena replies seriously.

As the two face off they are unaware of the third person ready to join in the fight.

Jumping down from the wall Alice kicks Venom in the back of the head, sending them to the ground while Alice joins her mother in facing the symbiote.

"Arggg." Yells Venom as they glare at the mother-daughter duo.

"Damn brat. I'll kill you and your mother and take Peter back for myself." Venom shouts,

Alice's face hardens behind the mask she's wearing at the mentioning of Peter and the threat to her and her mother.

Lorena however became protective of her daughter and instinctively stepped in front of her to protect her, while concern for her, Alice and Peter swarmed her mind.

Not letting the monster get another chance to act Alice fires off a sonic blast which deals a great amount pain to the symbiote. She fires off another sonic device which emits a loud high pitched frequency sending the symbiote into spasms as its form loses shape.

Casually Alice walks over to the symbiote who is on its knees holding their head in pain, and punches them in the face knocking Gwen unconscious as the symbiote shrinks and receded inside her body when the sonic frequency ceased.

Alice turned around to walk back to her mother but was surprised to see her checking on the fake Peter, helping remove the webbing holding him down and gently caressing his cheek.

She internally scoffed and went to go help the others out of their web bindings. She approached TaskMaster who was plastered to the wall and went to free him but was tackled to the ground in a violent slam.

She was discombobulated and confused how someone had snuck up on her without alerting her spider sense.

"You... you were supposed to be mine." Said a female voice.

This voice was different to Gwens, it just wasn't the absence of the symbiotes altered voice this was a completely different voice from Gwens.

Lorena and Peter were alerted to the new presence and for Peter, he was surprised by who the new person was. A familiar red head with a similar looking suit to his except with an eye mask that only covered her eyes apposed to his mask that covered the entirety of his face.

"MJ?" He said in disbelief.

"Peter... Peter. It's you isn't it. I knew it was you. Now we can be together again just like before." Said Mary Jane with a sadistic smile.

"God. What happened to you?" He whispered.

Leaping off of Alice MJ ran towards Lorena with gritted teeth. "YOU. YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME." She yelled.

Lorena dodged a heavy punch thrown by Mary Jane and braced for another punch.

MJ hit Lorena with full force sending her barrelling away and crashing into the wall, slightly winding her as she fell to the ground.


Peter breaks free from his shock, as well as the webbing that was holding him down thanks to Gwen, and steps in to fight against this version of MJ.

Webbing her back and pulling her towards him MJ is swept off her feet before feeling a hard punch connecting with her back. Falling to the ground she turns to look at Peter with shock and despair on her face, confused to why he would fight her, she loved him.

Kicking up off the ground MJ faces Peter with an almost relaxed stance. "Peter... it's me. I love you. We're destined to be together. Don't you understand." She said trying to convince him.

"I know who you are MJ... I just... don't understand what's happened to you. Why you are like this? But... I know... I have to stop you from hurting anyone." He says hesitantly but raising his fists nonetheless.

MJ rushed forward ready to tackle Peter to the ground, her speed increased from when she ran at Lorena catching Peter off guard. "NOTHING HAPPENED TO ME. WE'VE ALWAYS BELONGED TOGETHER." She screamed as she made contact with his chest.

Peter stood his ground and didn't fall to the ground, he kept his stance and held on for dear life, when she slowed down he took the chance to throw her off to the side.

She rolled across the floor before standing back up facing him again, the sick smile on her face growing again.

Peter could have fought harder, hit harder, kept her down and out of the fight but he hesitated... even though this wasn't his MJ, he still couldn't force himself to strike her.

Fortunately he didn't have to.

Alice rejoined the skirmish with a flying punch to the face sending MJ across the floor. She didn't waste any time and pounced on her to follow up with a viscous beat down. She restrained herself enough but regardless, the sight was too much for Peter to watch and when he turned back MJ was unconscious and webbed in a cocoon while Alice stood over her.

She looked at him briefly before dismissing him and moving towards her mother.

"Are you okay Mom?" Asked Alice with concern in her voice.

"I'm fine... sweetie. How's everyone else?" She asked taking a deep breath.

"They're all still webbed up. The other two are out for the count." She said with a thumbs up and cheery smile on her face.

"What about Peter?" Lorena asked worriedly.

Alice's smile faded and she merely gestures to the man behind her not sparing a second glance or saying another word.

Lorena smiled at him, seeing him there in front her unharmed... like he never left.

"Cmon let's get everyone down." She said to her daughter.

A Different WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora