Chapter 18: Before something bad happens

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"Yeah? You find something?"

"Come here."

"What?" Alexis stands up, moving toward him. Once she gets close enough Dean reaches out, grabbing her hips and pulling her to him. Alexis chuckles a little as he presses his lips to her cheek.

"Alone at last." Dean mutters before pressing his lips to hers. Alexis wraps her arms around his neck, returning the kiss. Alexis sighs as Dean kisses her jaw and down her neck.

"Dean, Sam and Vivian'll be back any minute." She tries to pull away. Its not like she wanted to, but that would kind of ruin the whole, 'keep it between us' thing.

"So?" Alexis felt Deans lips brush her neck as he whispers.

"So, then they would know."

Dean sighs, pulling away. "Sweetheart, there's more to this than just people will try to kill me, isn't there? Come on, tell me."

Alexis is quiet for a second. "Dean, good things don't last around me or for me. And this is a good thing. This is our good thing. I don't wanna ruin that. I mean, I've seen how these things go. People always ruin this stuff. I mean, when I was little I had this cousin and she met this boy and they became best friend. She didn't tell him about the supernatural or anything. Then they fell in love. The family found out and wanted her to kidnap and brainwash him, just like they did to anyone else, but she didn't want that. For him or her. So they made a plan to run away together. The day they were supposed to meet he didn't show. She gets home, goes out to the backyard and finds his dead body. She was heartbroken, swearing she was leaving. The next morning I watched as my dad and uncle drag her body outside to burn. Dean, she had a good thing. And it lasted because she kept it to herself, the minute people found out, it was over."

"Darlin', its okay. Nothing's gonna tear us apart."

"You can't be sure. I just keep this good thing going. I want it to last. I want to give us a real shot before something bad happens."

Dean gives her a smile, lightly squeezing her thigh. "Alright, our good thing. Till the end?"

"Till the end." Alexis smiles, pressing her lips to Deans. After a few minutes Alexis stands up. "Alright, Winchester. Back to work." Alexis stops before turning back around and moving back to her previous spot on Deans lap.

"See, you can't stay away." Dean smiles, his arms snaking around her waist.

"Dean, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can see it. You're hurting. You're keeping something from me. I've given you time, but I hate seeing you like this. Tell me what's bothering you."

Dean rolls his eyes. "Sweetheart-"

"No, you can't keep it all bottled up. I know you think you have to be this macho, strong, nothing-bothers-me man, but come on. You can tell me. You don't always have to be strong. I'm here." Alexis gives him a smile.

Dean sighs, rolling his eyes. "Lexi, I'm fine."

"Dean. Its okay. You can tell me anything."


After about 15 minutes of Alexis convincing Dean to talk to her he gave in. Alexis knew Dean was carrying a weight, but she had no clue that it was so much. She knew John's death had been bothering him, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. "Hey, look, its all gonna be fine. He's wrong. That won't happen."

Dean buries his head in the crook of her neck as she pulls him closer. He takes a deep breath, inhaling her sent. Dean always thought she smelled nice.

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