Paparazzi Fiasco

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Aubrey: Scarlett!!!

Scarlett: What?!

Lizzie: You knocked out Jonathan Swan!!!

Scarlett: Who?

Lizzie: Hes the new york times reporter!!!

Scarlett: OH MY GOSH!!!

Crissy: Lets leave. Maybe he'll be fine.

2 hours later

Jonathan: (On life support in a bed)

*Monitor beeps*

Scarlett: (Walks outisde)

Paparazzi: (Attack and beat Scarlett)

Scarlett: (Screams)


Scarlett: GET OFF OF ME!!

Lizzie: (Shoots all the paparazzi down)
Queen Kitty in the house!!

Scarlett: (Bleeding)

Lizzie: Guys!!! COME QUICK!!!

Crissy, Aubrey, Atriel, Florence: (Run outside)

Florence: Is the paparazzi fiasco over....

Crissy: SCARLETT!!

Aubrey: (Touches Scarlett's bloody chest) She was stabbed.

Lizzie: Who would do such a thing...

*A bloody knife is stuffed in an alleyway*

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