That Sisterhood Vendetta

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Crissy: So apparently we saw that Tracy was dead and covered in blood, but I had seen Chris outside this house a lot after it had happened. So my first instinct is we go find Chris and talk to him.

Lizzie: Okay.

Florence: I guess we can.

Scarlett: STOP!!

Victoria Bonet: (Squeezing Scarlett's ass)

Scarlett: Get off of me! No!

Victoria: It's not nice to pull away from someone you're attracted to.

Scarlett: I have a wife.

Victoria: Screw her!

Crissy: (Gasps) There's his house. (Runs toward house)

Lizzie and Florence: (Follows Crissy)

Andrew: Yes. I do.

Pastor:Then you may kiss and live happily ever after.

Atriel: (Kisses Andrew) Oh I love you. Mmm!!!

Jodie Comer: (Shoots Andrew from a distance) Bullzeye.

Atriel: (Screams) Well. Oh well. (Walks out of the auditorium) No marriage today.

Pastor: (Has his jaw wide open)

Crissy: (Knocks on the door)

Florence: Move. (Pushes Crissy aside) (Kicks the door down) (Walks into the house)

Crissy and Lizzie: (Follow Florence)

Natalie: (Speaks into mich) Alert. You have intruders. (Smiles)

Crissy: Chris! Chris!

Chris: Chris is here but you won't be! (Aiming gun at the girls)
*Everyone looks shocked*

Crissy: Listen.

Florence: (Kicks the gun out of Chris' hand and takes it) LISTEN UP BITCH!!! (Puts gun to Chris' throat as he backs into a couch)

Crissy: We need to know what you know about Tracy's death)

Chris: I don't know a thing.

Florence: (Puts her hand on Chris' throat) Now do you know something?

Chris: Okay.

Lizzie: (Takes video on her phone)

Chris: I helped murder her and frame Scarlett. She poured the excess blood which was her type of blood but not hers. Then I, well I beat her with a weapon.

Crissy: Oh..

Chris: I also saw Natalie stab herself.

Natalie: I did no such thing.

Florence: I can put my hands on you too prissy!!

Natalie: Listen. What you should be worried about is dying. Hundreds of prisoners were let free yesterday. Benjamin executed the chief of police.

Crissy: Oh..

Chief Jiminez: (Kicks out of the cabinet)

Maryna: Dad. (Unties the ropes that are around her)

Chief: Oh.. He was a bissy, bissy, bissy..

Maryna: It's okay dad. I'm gonna protect our legacy and New York. (Puts on cop uniform)

Florence: We can go to the police with this you know.

Lizzie: Yeah, and we'll tell them how you've come back to start nothing but trouble.

Crissy: I bet they won't like that.

Natalie: Okay fine. I stabbed myself. It was believable. Scarlett was fighting with me.

Crissy: That tears it!! (Jumps on Natalie)

Natalie: (Screams) YOU CRAZY BITCH!!

Crissy: (Smacks Natalie repeatedly)

Natalie: (Reaches for fire hydrant and let's it spray Crissy)

Crissy: AHHHH!!

Natalie: (Stands up) (Kicks Crissy) Don't mess with me bitch. (Walks away while kicking sand with her feet)

Benjamin: You're not going anywhere.

Maryna: (Turns around) Yah!! (Punches Benjamin to the ground) (Kicks and tases him repeatedly)

Benjamin: UHHHH!!!!!!

Maryna: (Runs through the police station)

Officer Caldwell: Maryna. They freed all the prisoners that were dangerous.

Maryna: That's not good.

*Car driving in a highway*

Crissy, Lizzie, And Florence: (Come up to a desk)

Lizzie: Hey. We have proof that Scarlett was framed.
(Looks down at tablet) Wait a minute. This isn't my tablet.

Natalie: (Holding tablet) Delete.

Chris: (Walking outside the police station)

Florence: (Looks back)

Chris: (Widens his eyes) (Runs)

Florence: One minute guys. (Runs away and out the door)

Chris: (Running from Florence)

Florence: (Chasing Chris) (Grabs Chris' arm) (Pulls him) Come on.

Chris: Woah!

Lizzie: Ya see, we had it, but I'm pretty sure someone stole my laptop.

Florence: I GOT HIM! (Pulls Chris into the police station) Now tell the officer what you did.

Chris: I.. (Punches Florence)

Florence: (Crashes down into table)

Chris: (Runs)

Officer: No sir! (Brings Chris back in)

Chris: FINE! I killed Tracy Wolmbat!

Officers: (Gasp)

Scarlett: I can't take this no more.

Maryna: Scarlett. You're free to go. (Opens cell)

Scarlett: (Walks out) (Walks toward Crissy)

Crissy: Scarlett.

Scarlett: (Hugs Crissy) (Slaps Lizzie) How dare you call the cops on me?

Lizzie: I'm sorry okay.

Scarlett: First you steal my wife then you call the cops on me. I'm never gonna forgive you Lizzie.

Crissy: Scarlett please. If it wasn't for Lizzie, you wouldn't be free. Try to forgive her.

Scarlet: Okay. No!

*Car drives up to house*

Scarlett, Crissy, Lizzie, and Florence: (Walk up to house) (Chattering)

Vanessa Johansson: (Steps out of the car) Oh look it's the bitchster.

Scarlett: (Turns around) You! Vanessaaaa!!!

Vanessa: What's wrong Scarlett? Not happy to see your sister.

Scarlett: I thought you dropped that sisterhood vendetta a long time ago.

Vanessa: I'm not the one with a vendetta sister. Now come give me a hug.

Scarlett: (Sighs) Fine.

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