38. Studying and Kissing

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Ichirou sat down cross-legged next to his sister on her bed, rubbing his temples. After having had breakfast, he had been invited into her room, a place he tried to stay away from. There was an incredible amount of BL comics in her room, enough to make a small library. The walls of her room were covered with bookshelves, which were fairly full. It was mainly BL comics, but there was a fair bit of GL, and some more mainstream things as well.

The occasional anime figurine dotted the shelves, as well as a couple of plush toys. There was a body pillow on the floor, as well as several pieces of clothing. Her desk was covered in papers, books, and a computer that she exclusively used for playing gay visual novels or reading BL webcomics. Altogether, her bedroom was definitely messier than Ichirou's, but it also felt more like a cozy place to read than Ichirou's did.

"So, when were you planning on telling me that you and Masahiro got together?" Ichika asked in a sing-song voice, not looking up from the manga she was reading.

"We're not together," Ichirou grumbled, pinching the skin between his eyebrows. He had a headache that was partially from getting drunk last night, but it also came from the stress of having to deal with a fujoshi.

"What do you mean you're not together?!" Ichika demanded, slamming her book closed and looking up at her brother.

"We're friends with benefits," Ichirou said with a sigh.

"You're kidding me," Ichika said, her jaw-dropping.

"You think I'd lie by now? No, we were keeping it from you because we knew you'd freak out," Ichirou grumbled.

"Oh my god. I get why you wouldn't tell me because you thought I'd go all fangirl mode, but still. This is just... Are you seriously not going to tell him how you feel?! You're crazy about each other! How can you not just spurt it out?!" she demanded.

"I know!" Ichirou whined, finally looking at his sister. "I'm... I'm gonna tell him. I've already got a plan."

Ichika gasped, clapping her hands together. "You do?! Really?! You're gonna confess?!"

"Yes, I'm gonna confess, I'm just... I'm going to confess when we do it for the first time. N- not, like, during during, but like... before. Do you know what I mean?" he asked, his nerves showing.

"Oh my god, my sweet big brother is going to finally win that man's heart. I'm so proud of you," she said, grinning broadly at her brother.

"Don't tease me, oh my goood," Ichirou complained, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not teasing you, I swear!" She grinned broadly, rocking a bit in place. "I'm honestly so proud of you. This is really hard for you, I know, but you're still doing the damn thing!"

Ichirou flushed and looked down at his feet. "It is... but Masahiro is the one I'm in love with. I've probably been in love with him since we were kids, but I didn't know for a long time. Now, after all of this time, I'm desperate to reach him... in any way I can. I'm more scared of telling him than I am of anything else in this entire world. He's someone so important to me, and over these past nine months, I've started to feel like I can't live without him. It sounds so ridiculous, such a small amount of time, but... but I think he's my soulmate. I have to be beside him, or life isn't worth living."

Ichika was quiet as she listened to her brother speak, occasionally nodding before she replied, "You're really crazy in love with him, huh? It's like something out of a manga..."

"Don't say that," Ichirou grumbled, his face red.

"Ichirou, it's true, it is! It's like something in... ah..." Ichika jumped off her bed, looking through the volumes of her manga before grabbing one. "This one! 'Crazy in Love' is what it's called."

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