16. The Theme Park

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Ichirou had a really good week. Sunday had been the beach, which he thankfully only got minor burns from, and then on Tuesday he went over to Masahiro's house to watch more anime. It was a weird show for Ichirou, but he was interested in the character's motivations, so he didn't complain. It might have also helped that he got tipsy on a couple of glasses of wine that Masahiro had prepared for him. He had spent that night bundled up in Masahiro's guest room, enjoying the warm comfort of Masahiro's pheromones. For whatever reason, he really did sleep better when he was breathing them in.

Ichirou then spent the rest of the week reading more romance novels, watching a couple of dramas, and practicing his makeup so he wouldn't get rusty, for if he happened to be able to open that beauty store he so desperately wanted. He also went through the clothes in his room, donating some of the things he didn't wear as much so that he could make room for new clothes. It was an annoying task, but it had to be done if he wanted to continue shopping for cute clothes.

Ichirou and Masahiro decided to change the date of their usual Saturday date to Friday, in order to miss some of the crowds. They were going to Tokyo Dasneyland finally, and Ichirou couldn't be more excited. He had been to the one in Florida a year ago, but he hadn't gone to the Tokyo one since high school. Regardless of whether it was an actual date or not, it was a cute date idea.

It wasn't supposed to even get up to eighty today, so Ichirou took it as a sign to wear a long-sleeved, pastel galaxy shirt and some short purple overalls. Chunky pink and purple sneakers with bows on them were over-the-knee-length white socks. He tied his hair back and put a large, purple bow on top of it. He also had a pastel color block backpack that had his water bottle and his wallet. After some makeup that included star-shaped chunky glitter, Ichirou was ready to go.

Ichirou stepped out of his home as soon as he got the text, seeing Masahiro doing his classic "lean against the car" move. Masahiro was wearing a deep blue button-up notch shirt, with some black slacks. The sleeves went halfway down his arms, but the damn shirt was so well fitted that Ichirou could see nearly as much of Masahiro's muscles as he had on the beach.

After a quick greeting, Ichirou got into the passenger side, as usual. Ichirou set the bag at his feet and buckled up, a wide smile on his face. Masahiro looked amused by this, but he didn't say anything, not wanting to ruin Ichirou's good mood. He pulled out of the driveway, beginning on his way to Dasneyland.

"So, just to be sure, are you good with fast rides?" Masahiro asked as they drove.

"Um, mostly? I might end up clinging to you and screaming really loud," Ichirou admitted, his face a bit pink. "I'll try not to, obviously, but sometimes I just panic. Ichika hates sitting next to me on fast rides because of that."

Masahiro laughed at that. "Well, if you need to, you can always cling to me."

Ichirou turned even redder at that. "H- hush up, you!"

"Sorry, I can't help but tease you a bit. I also got us reservations at one of the restaurants. We'll have to figure out what we wanna do for lunch, though. Sorry about that," he said, giving an awkward laugh.

"It's fine, we're adults, we can find something to eat," Ichirou said, pulling out his phone to look up Dasneyland's website. "I'm so excited."

Masahiro nodded. "Well, that's good to know. If you want to, we can go multiple times."

Ichirou looked up at Masahiro with excited, sparkling eyes. "Really?"

Masahiro laughed. "Yeah of course!"

The two men continued chatting for the duration of the drive. It took them a moment to find parking, but when they did, they quickly got out and made their way up to the ticket booths. The sky above was gray, but that just made it feel cooler. It seemed like it might rain at some point today, but for now, it was just a little bit cool. Despite it being just barely September, it was nicely cool.

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