28. A Heated Day

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Ichirou was certain he had at least two or three more days until his heat. He had accidentally taken suppressants last month, and, after a forced, panicked visit to his doctor by his mother, they got confirmation that it was fine to take an extra month between heats every once in a while. Ichirou already knew this because he had already talked to his doctor about it on previous checkups, but his mother was a dramatic woman, so it couldn't be avoided.

Either way, it meant that he was bound to have a heat this month that he wasn't supposed to suppress. However, for now, he was absolutely sure that he had several more days, so there was no point in asking Masahiro to cancel their date. His sister complained about him going out with Masahiro when he previously claimed he wasn't sure that he'd be able to, but otherwise, there was no issue.

Ichirou got dressed in some pale blue skinny jeans, a pink tee with a mascot character on it, a crossbody bag that was shaped like a love letter, and an oversized white cardigan. It wasn't the craziest of outfits he had made by now, but it was comfy, and that was about as much as he was feeling up to. They were going shopping, possibly for Christmas presents, and then out to dinner. It wasn't anything too busy, which Ichirou was grateful for. He was just feeling a bit tired today.

Upon reading a text that told him that Masahiro had arrived, Ichirou got up from the seat in the lobby, walked over to the front door, opened it up, and walked out. Masahiro was wearing a navy blue letterman jacket, opened to reveal a white v-neck t-shirt, and some dark-colored jeans. He smiled upon seeing Ichirou exiting the building, and Ichirou's heart skipped a beat. Damn it, Masahiro was hot.

"Good morning, Ichirou," Masahiro said, grinning widely at his fake boyfriend.

"Morning, Masahiro," Ichirou said, trying to ignore how just hearing his name come from the other man's mouth made his heart leap with joy.

As Ichirou passed him, Masahiro suddenly jolted towards him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him close to Masahiro. Ichirou bumped into Masahiro, steadying himself by placing both hands on the taller man's chest. His confused gaze met Masahiro's intense one, as though he were thinking extremely hard about something. Ichirou opened his mouth to ask why Masahiro did that, but he found that he couldn't make words.

Ichirou let out a squeak as Masahiro leaned down, just a centimeter away from the exposed skin on Ichirou's neck. His heart jumped into his throat as he felt Masahiro's hot breath against his neck. He shivered, unsure of what to do or why Masahiro was doing this, but he knew damn well that it was exciting him in a perverse way. Even Masahiro's grip on his wrist felt like it was burning him.

Suddenly, just as quickly as it started, Masahiro pulled away. Ichirou's brain noted that his pupils were dilated, and his eyes watched as Masahiro licked his lips. Ichirou felt frozen to the ground and finally realized that pheromones were why he was feeling this way. Masahiro's cinnamon-like scent had been released from him, and it was intoxicating. Ichirou could feel a small tent forming in his pants, but luckily, it seemed like Masahiro didn't notice at all.

Masahiro stepped back, the pheromones suddenly ceasing to flow out of him. He didn't drop Ichirou's wrist, however. His expression no longer had the same hunger that it did just a few seconds earlier. Ichirou wasn't certain, but he thought that he could see some sort of guilt in his eyes.

"Um, we're not going out," Masahiro said after loudly clearing his throat.

"What? Why not?" Ichirou asked, somewhat struggling to pull himself out of the stupor that Masahiro's pheromones had sent him into.

"Because your heat is going to start in the next few hours. I can't let you go out in good conscience. It's way too dangerous," Masahiro said firmly.

"My heat is starting that soon? Really?" Ichirou asked, looking disappointed.

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