30. Seeking Their Approval

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Ichirou was feeling masculine today. Well, as masculine as he could get, really. The attire didn't need to be anything special for this meeting between his parents and Masahiro, so he decided to put on some pink, mid-calf length overalls and a white, comfy sweatshirt underneath. He didn't put on any makeup, which he actually found to be kind of refreshing. Besides, next week he'd be piling on makeup so they could go out to a nice French restaurant together, and last week he had worn the same amount in order to hang out with Ichika and Yuri. It was nice to have a little bit of a break.

Speaking of Yuri, she was coming over tonight as well. Because Ichika had been busy with school, doing some sort of group project, he hadn't gotten around to asking her how things went on Yuri's end post date. Things were probably fine if they were letting her come to their house, right? Probably fine.

Ichirou squinted at his phone. Yuuhei had texted him back. They had been texting throughout the majority of the week, with Ichirou asking him about ideas for how to handle confessing. Yuuhei had insisted that Ichirou at the minimum had some form of small chance with Masahiro, considering that Masahiro was willing to hug and cuddle him, so Ichirou was wanting to start considering confessing. He was hopeful but extremely anxious.

Yuuhei: Have you considered just sucking his dick lol

Ichirou groaned at that, rubbing his temples. Yuuhei was the king of sarcastic answers that may or may not actually be considered sarcastic. Takeru was much better at giving advice, but you had to practically tear it out of him. Ichirou wished they could actually help him at some point.

Ichirou: i'm not sucking his dick until he says he loves me. :|

Yuuhei: So fuckin stuffy

Yuuhei: You should just have sex

Yuuhei: The tension is killing me

Ichirou: ur not helpful, i'm asking ur boyfriend next time

Yuuhei: lolololol

Ichirou almost sent back several expletives, but a knock came at his door. He sighed and put his phone to the side. Telling Yuuhei to go fuck himself would have to wait a bit longer.

"Come in!" Ichirou called, sitting up a bit. To his surprise, Masahiro walked in. "Masahiro! What–! W- why didn't you text me that you were here?!"

Masahiro grinned, making Ichirou's heart flutter. He was wearing a pale blue button-down shirt, buttoned up one more button than he usually did. Ichirou couldn't help but notice that the print that was all over it was different dogs running around. God damn it, Masahiro was adorable. Not fair.

"I thought it would be more fun to surprise you," he said, plopping on the bed to the right of his fake boyfriend.

Ichirou became instantly aware of Masahiro's scent, and a warmth rose in his stomach. "W- well, you did. Um, surprise me, I mean. How are you? Are you nervous?"

Masahiro leaned over, pressing his shoulder against Ichirou's and making his arm tingle. "Oh, you know. It's always easy to meet up with your parents. They seem to really, really love me."

"They will!" Ichirou exclaimed, leaning into Masahiro's touch. "They're just scared that I'm gonna end up hurt. But you would never hurt me."

"Not on purpose, that is."

"Okay, yes, you would never hurt me on purpose," Ichirou corrected. "Either way, you're someone I care about immensely, and so they're just going to have to get used to you."

Masahiro's left hand began slowly moving towards Ichirou's. Once their fingers brushed up against each other's, Ichirou started. However, he didn't move his hand away. As Masahiro's hand made its way over Ichirou's own hand, Ichirou flipped it so they could properly link their hands together. Both men were quiet as they did this, enjoying the physical contact from the other.

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