15. The Beach

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Yuuhei finally stayed the night at Ichirou's, so they could be picked up by Masahiro together. Yuuhei was amazed at the size of Ichirou's house and spent a fair bit of time wandering about it with Ichirou. He lived in a studio apartment, so the amount of space was incredible to him. His mother was excited to meet Yuuhei, and she ordered that a large amount of food be put together for his sake. Despite protesting, Yuuhei ended up with a meal that consisted of several dozen side dishes.

They went up to Ichirou's room after eating way too much, and Ichirou collapsed on his bed with a groan. Yuuhei plopped down next to him, lazily looking at his friend's bedroom for the first time. Ichirou had made sure to clean it up before Yuuhei came over, but paranoia started to immediately seep in that he had perhaps missed a spot. So, he lethargically pulled himself up.

"What do you think?" Ichirou asked.

Yuuhei was quiet for a moment. "This looks like a little girl's dream room."

Ichirou huffed at that and laid back down. "I get called a princess for a reason."

"I thought it was because you were so rich, but I can see now that there are multiple reasons," Yuuhei said with a firm nod.

"Shut uuup..." Ichirou groaned.

"Anyway, you went out with Masahiro on Thursday, right? What did you do? You usually text me after, but you didn't this time," Yuuhei said, folding his legs and sitting crisscrossed on the bed.

"Oh, I totally forgot to. We just went to a sushi place, it was nothing super special. We just hung out and talked like we usually do," Ichirou said.

It was a calm date where nothing mindblowing happened, simply the two of them existing and enjoying food. Ichirou did learn that Masahiro highly preferred beef to any sort of fish, but that wasn't that surprising to him. Ichirou personally liked seafood more than red meat, so they were a bit at odds there, but luckily, living in Japan, it was fairly easy for them both to find what kind of foods they liked.

"You must be getting really comfortable with him if you're not even texting me about it anymore. You two should just date for real," Yuuhei said, grinning somewhat mischievously.

"Oh my god, shut up. You sound like my sister," Ichirou groaned.

"How is she, by the way? She's got that... that not actually a girlfriend but still a girlfriend, right?"

"Yeah, they're doing good, as far as I can tell. Neither of them have confessed yet. Sort of like you with Oda-san," Ichirou said, giving his friend a pointed stare.

Yuuhei flushed pink at that. "I- I mean, we're not like that, though... this is an entirely one-sided thing."

Ichirou rolled over onto his stomach and screamed into his sheets, startling Yuuhei. "Whoa, what the hell?!"

Ichirou rolled back over, glaring at his best friend. "You and he had sex on Sunday again, right?" Yuuhei nodded. "And you went to dinner with him, right?" Yuuhei nodded. "And we decided that he was either going to dump you or date you, right?"

"Well, we never actually–" Yuuhei began.

"Oh no, you do not start that shit, we totally did decide that. He's into you, he's into you, he-is-in-to-you!! Just, I dunno, confess tomorrow or something," Ichirou grumbled.

"I can't, he'll hate me!" Yuuhei cried.

Ichirou knew for a fact that Takeru was going to confess in much clearer terms tomorrow, but he also wanted Yuuhei to stop being a baby and just say how he felt. Ichirou couldn't relate at all, he couldn't see how Yuuhei couldn't just see that he and Takeru were in love. Ichirou would know for a fact if he was in love with someone, and if that someone was in love with him as well. Yuuhei was just being silly.

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