33. Kissing Fever

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Ichirou woke up to a searing headache. He slowly sat up, groaning. He rubbed his temples, a deep frown set on his face. He had drunk a bit too much last night, and he sure as hell didn't drink enough water between his cocktails. He squinted off to the side, noting that the curtains were drawn just a little bit, allowing some light in. He looked further to the side, noting that his phone was plugged in and charging on the nightstand. On the said nightstand, there was also a glass of water and several pills. A gift from Masahiro, obviously.

Ichirou took the pills and drank some water with them, letting out a soft sigh afterward. He checked the time, noting that it was a little after seven in the morning. He looked down at himself, noting that he had worn his clothes to bed. He touched his head and sighed, pulling his hair out of his ponytail. The tightness of the ponytail was not helping his headache, and it was definitely messed up anyway.

Ichirou finally took the time to look over to Masahiro's side of the room. His side of the bed was empty and, as Ichirou looked further, the door to the bathroom was also closed. Masahiro must have been in the bathroom, either showering or using the facilities. Ichirou couldn't recall if it was some form of movement that had woken him up, or if it had just been his natural sleep cycle.

Suddenly, it hit him like a car going a hundred miles per hour into a concrete wall. Ichirou collapsed back onto the bed, hands slapping over his cheeks which were quickly beginning to look more like tomatoes than regular flesh. His eyes widened and terrified tears began to prick at his eyes. He drew his legs up onto the bed and crossed them, staring down at his feet.

He kissed Masahiro. He kissed Masahiro on the lips. He grabbed Masahiro's face, tilted his head, and laid a big smooch on Masahiro.

Ichirou was the worst of the worst. How could he kiss Masahiro without consent?! Not only that, but they were childhood friends! How could he do that to his precious childhood friend?! Masahiro deserved much, much better than Ichirou. He deserved someone who wouldn't take advantage of him.

Masahiro was going to kill him. Ichirou wanted to vomit. He had immediately gone to bed afterward, so he didn't see how Masahiro had reacted. Did Masahiro stay up all night, unable to sleep next to Ichirou? Would Masahiro give him a well-earned slap? Would Masahiro want to stop being friends? Ichirou was about to find out.

The sound of a door opening came from Ichirou's right. With wide eyes and a neck that whipped so fast that he almost broke it, he saw that Masahiro was coming out of the bathroom. He was wearing a loose white v-neck tank top, gray sweatpants, and a towel around his shoulders that was catching any water that was dripping down from his hair. Masahiro looked incredibly hot, and somehow that made him all the more terrifying. It made Ichirou feel unrepentant, somehow, despite the fact that he was incredibly so.

Masahiro's eyes met Ichirou's, and that seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Ichirou felt the tears begin to flow, and he slammed his head down on the bed toward Masahiro, making the other man jump and run over.

"Ichirou, what are you-" Masahiro began, reaching out to touch Ichirou before Ichirou pulled himself back up, tears now freely flowing.

"Masahiro, I- I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I fucked up! I completely and utterly fucked up! I can't believe I did that to you! Just because I was drunk is no excuse, I should never have- should never have kissed you like tha- at!" Ichirou sobbed.

Masahiro sat down in front of Ichirou, eyes wide. "Ichirou, no, please, you don't need to-"

"Yes, I do!" Ichirou wailed. "I can't believe myself! I- I've ruined everything! I can't have kissed you, that's so terrible! But I did it, I kissed you! And now, Masahiro, you're going to hate me forever and there's nothing I can do about it! All because I couldn't control myself when I was drunk! I- I can't believe I've done this! Masahiro, I'm so, so, so sorry! Someone I care about so much is going to hate me because I kissed him and-"

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