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Max Verstappen gives rare insight into his relationship with Elodie Carter
The retired three-time formula one world champion hasn't gone far in his 'retirement'. Max is as close to the sport as he ever was, travelling to every race with the team that he used to race for and now advises for. "I couldn't stay away. I think everyone knows part of the reason why...but there's no point being at home if the person I want to be with is on the other side of the world and I can be with her there...helping to keep her ego in check. Plus, Red Bull is in the middle of a tough season, Pierre is so close to the championship title - I am there to support them and it's easier to do from the side of the track than back in Monaco." He speaks candidly, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes as I find myself nodding in agreement, totally enraptured by his answers.
We talk a lot about Red Bull and it is true, Max knows his stuff. Not just on the side of the drivers but also in terms of car development, he seems to have more knowledge now than he did in his driving days. I joke that this might help him when he returns to racing and I just receive a cheeky grin back from him. "You sound like Ellie," he says affectionately using the nickname only he uses for his girlfriend and (also) three-time world champion for Mercedes, currently putting up one hell of a fight to become a four-time world champion. "Maybe," he responds simply when I ask if he is being serious and his smirk doesn't break as he beckons me to take the hint he is freely giving. I take the opportunity to ask if she is the one urging him back into the car and he pauses, considering his words carefully before nodding.
"She helps. She has always been supportive of the idea - maybe more than just supportive but she knew that I would maybe come back - I never truly ruled it out. I just needed a break. It's draining and I needed time away from the sport to figure out some things in my life and what my priorities were, how I wanted my life to be and how to make it happen. It was genuinely the best thing I could have done but yeah, maybe I was quick to call it a retirement - maybe a break would have been a better word, or sabbatical - Ellie taught me that word the other day, but I didn't know then that I was definitely coming back - just that I might." I'm not used to hearing the Dutchman talk so candidly about Elodie, no one is. The couple remains famously tight-lipped on their relationship and the dynamics of it but it will certainly be interesting to see how a couple interacts on the grid as rivals and Max just smirks and shrugs.
"It's not the first time," he says without seeming to realise what he has said. It's only when I look at him a little longer than perhaps I should have that he realises. I offer to not include it but Max shrugs in response, a maturity I wasn't expecting from him. "It's been speculated...we're well aware. We've spoken about it because it was only a matter of time until one of us really messed it up - well, not one of us. Me. It was always going to be me," he says chuckling and demonstrating his ease when talking about his relationship. It definitely backs what Elodie has said about it being a serious relationship, the pair seem very settled and that's demonstrated when they do talk about each other. There's no worry, they just seem comfortable with the topic, although rarely letting anything of actual note slip.
I don't know much, we didn't talk really about their relationship but it's clear to see from the brief moments that the pair are very happy and in love with one another and I wish them all the best if/when (it seems much more like when) Max gets back on the grid.

Elodie Carter confirms Max Verstappen's slip up
"He's a dumb one that guy, but yes." Elodie teases her confirmed boyfriend Max Verstappen, who is standing one interviewer over in the media pen and I see him roll his eyes - something she also doesn't miss as she lets out a victorious laugh before returning her attention back to me - just in time to miss him turn to look at her. "This is electric boogaloo 2.0, I won't say more than that - people speculate enough as it is but the cat is out of the bag now and yeah - hopefully it will mean that people are aware when he returns to the grid that we're totally professional and competitive about racing each other. We've always respected one another on and off track and that's why he's someone I don't often collide with - even in the couple of years we weren't on good terms off track, we still never had any bad incidents on track."
Elodie speaks with a confidence that might make some fans think Max has already signed a contract for 2030, however, this is how she's talked about his return since before he even left the sport and therefore should probably not be trusted...time will tell.

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